CC News Letter 14 March - Happy News From India!

Dear Friend,

Here are two important news to report today. One is good and the other is bad. 

First the good one.  In the all importan by-poll held in the states of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Bihar of India, BJP lost all three seats. The oppositions took all three seats from BJP, including the all important seat of Gorakhpur, which was vacated by the UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanth. This seat is a citadel of BJP which held on to it over three decades. The voter turn out was less than 40 %. The results and the voting percentage shows that the Indian public in UP and Bihar have given up on BJP. It must be the beginning of the end of the right wing BJP's fascist rule in India. 

One of the greatest scientists of the world , Stephen Hawking passed away today. During his last days, he was more worried about the health of the planet than his own health. It falls upon us to carry on the fight against climate change. 

Andre Vltchek reports that NATO is shifting its airbase from Turkey to Jordan. He writes, " People in the Middle East are joking,cynically: “From Incirlik, Turkey to Al-Azraq, Jordan with love.” That is, if they pay any attention to the movement of NATO troops in this part of the world. They should. At least one substantial part of an incredibly deadly and aggressive force has beengradually relocated, from an ‘uncertain’ and according to the West suddenly ‘unreliable’ country(Turkey), to theimpoverished but obedient Kingdom of Jordan."

Also more stories from around the world. 

If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here 

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

Stephen Hawking Dies With Warnings On Climate Change
by Dr Vivek Kumar Srivastava

The best tribute for him is  to propagate his scientific ideas to those who are unaware about these oracles. Among these the most important is to disseminate his scientific thoughts about  climate change

China Becomes World’s Fifth Largest Arms Exporter
by Abdus Sattar Ghazali 

China has become the world’s fifth-largest arms exporter, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

Further Signs of More War: A Most Dangerous Game
by Edward Curtin 

Donald Trump’s days of playing the passive/aggressive host of a reality-television game show are coming to an end.  Either he fires all the apprentices who might slightly hesitate to wage a much larger world war and lets the bombs fly, or he will be replaced by one who will.  Signs are that he has learned what his job entails and the world will suffer more death and destruction as a result.

Amazon’s Initiative: Digital Assistants, Home Surveillance And Data
by Dr Binoy Kampmark 

For one thing, Alexa shows how sources of inspiration, entertainment and variety have shifted.    Like the search-hungry connected doll, Amazon’s Alexa, after being woken from digital slumber via Echo, conveys material through Amazon’s servers, where the audio is analysed.  The command is thereby sent back to the Echo device.  Both the voice audio and the response, is stored and linked to the user’s account.

Our Latest Oil Predicament
by Gail Tverberg 

It is impossible to tell the whole oil story, but perhaps I can offer a few insights regarding where we are today.

Will Israeli Policies Change If Netanyahu Leaves Office?
by Dr Ramzy Baroud 

If scandal-plagued Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, exits his country’s political scene today, who is likely to replace him? And what does this mean as far as Israel’s Occupation of Palestine is concerned?

Why Is NATO Air Forces Moving From Turkey To Jordan
by Andre Vltchek 

People in the Middle East are joking,cynically: “From Incirlik, Turkey to Al-Azraq, Jordan with love.” That is, if they pay any attention to the movement of NATO troops in this part of the world. They should. At least one substantial part of an incredibly deadly and aggressive force has beengradually relocated, from an ‘uncertain’ and according to the West suddenly ‘unreliable’ country(Turkey), to theimpoverished but obedient Kingdom of Jordan.

The War Against Nature
by Sally Dugman 

Our MA, USA governor, Charlie Baker, informs us to all stay home or shelter in place as a state of emergency response when weather gets dangerous. We even have emergency response information to keep us updated about what to do and where to go

Two ‘Clinical’ Perspectives On Humanity’s Ailment
by Steven Earl Salmony 

No one on our watch can know, I suppose, when it is too late to take the measure of what is ailing us so as to be able to find a remedy that is consonant with universally shared, humane values. Human beings are presented with a situation of our own making. As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and we are it.” 

Nullity Canceled
by Sally Dugman 

We are little grains of sand in an endless beach.
Our unique and relative placement is of no account.
Swept along by tides of time,
Flung and refined (with the rough edges removed)
By harsh unyielding winds of change,
We exist here on no grounds save that we simply are.

Machiavellian Intrigues Of Pakistan’s ‘Establishment’
by Nauman Sadiq 

In order to obtain permission for the North Waziristan military operation in 2014, the security establishment executed its divide and rule strategy to perfection by instigating Imran Khan to stage street demonstrations and mass protests and Nawaz Sharif’s government was eventually subdued to an extent that it once again ceded Pakistan’s defense and security policy to the establishment.

How Civil Is India’s Civil Service
by Moin Qazi 

Jawaharlal Nehru once said the Indian Civil Service was “Neither Indian, nor Civil, nor a Service”. However, his Deputy Sardar Patel considered the civil service “the steel frame of Government machinery”. Both worked to create a model for civil servants that served India well when the primary task was nation-building. Now that it has shifted to public welfare we need bureaucrats with a new ethos, more attuned to performances on the ground, and not just policy designs. 

Farmers’ March, Organized By The Left, Wins Popular Support
by Vidyadhar Date 

The spectacular red flag , disciplined march of farmers spearheaded by the kisan wing of the Communist party of India (M), and other Left organizations in Maharashtra has galvanized public opinion. The week-long march which reached Mumbai on March 12 is a great morale booster for the Left.

Man With The Solar Brain
by Ra Sh 

His brain awash with solar rays
The man with the solar brain
Walks past the cotton fields
And the mobile towers
Listening to the tweets and
The songs of extinct birds.



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