The Post Most: Trump stops short of full endorsement of gun proposals

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Trump stops short of full endorsement of gun proposals
Lawmakers say the fate of any firearms restrictions after the Florida school shooting rests with the president.
By Mike DeBonis  •  Read more »

Trump said he would charge a gunman. Here’s what he’s actually done in the face of danger.
Five Vietnam draft deferments. Ducking when rushed. Shrinking from an eagle. For all his talk, the president is not big on public displays of bravery.
By Eli Rosenberg  •   Read more »
A Georgia Republican’s threat to Delta: Stop boycotting the NRA, or you won’t get your tax break
After Delta cuts ties with NRA, Georgia conservatives threaten to kill a bill that until recently, was widely supported.
By Marwa Eltagouri  •   Read more »
PowerPost • Analysis
The Daily 202: Trump gets a seminar on federalism as governors push back on arming teachers
POTUS punts to the states.
By James Hohmann  •   Read more »
Washington society and Team Trump: A year in, the fear and loathing is mutual
Administration insiders aren’t showing up at many elite parties, and the hosts are fine with that.
By Roxanne Roberts  •   Read more »
Right Turn • Opinion
President Trump, again, overcompensates for cowardice
Run into a shooting scene? He won't even go into a conference room with Mueller
By Jennifer Rubin  •   Read more »
North Pole surges above freezing in the dead of winter, stunning scientists
Arctic temperatures are warmer than ever recorded in February.
By Jason Samenow  •   Read more »
The Plum Line • Opinion
Here’s the latest sign Trump’s lies about Russia are failing
Large swaths of the American mainstream reject the alt-narrative to the Russia probe that Trump and his allies are spinning.
By Greg Sargent  •   Read more »
The Post's View • Opinion
The Nunes memo continues to backfire
Republicans’ campaign of misdirection discredits them — but not the Russia investigation.
By Editorial Board  •   Read more »
The Kochs are trying to kill unions. Be careful what you wish for.
An upcoming Supreme Court decision could backfire.
By Dana Milbank  •   Read more »
Also Popular in Politics
Democrats marshal a strike force to counter Trump on national security in 2018, 2020 elections
Obama-era veterans bet foreign policy issues will be bigger concerns for voters now than in 2016.
By Anne Gearan  •  Read more »
Also Popular in Opinions
Trump vs. Mueller is a battle for America’s soul
Each of them represents a recognizable American archetype.
By Max Boot  •  Read more »
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Secret probe points to widespread enrollment fraud at acclaimed D.C. high school
Officials say ‘election year’ fears slowed audit at Duke Ellington School of the Arts
By Peter Jamison  •  Read more »

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Golden State Warriors to visit African American Museum with kids today in lieu of White House appearance
"We’re not going to politicize anything,” Thompson said of the Warriors' plans, which had been kept under wraps since President Trump disinvited the team from a White House visit in September.
By Tim Bontemps  •  Read more »
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Idaho tests the bounds of skirting Affordable Care Act insurance rules
Federal health officials won’t say whether they will allow alternative health plans that many experts contend are illegal.
By Amy Goldstein  •  Read more »
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