The military industrial complex strikes again: War spending will bankrupt America

Intrepid Report

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By Stephen Lendman
It’s scheduled for April 22, Maduro is favored to be reelected for another six-year term.

By Wayne Madsen
Donald Trump’s vainglorious desire for a military parade along Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, could result in millions of dollars in damage to streets, Washington Metro, and other key elements of the nation’s capital’s infrastructure. Trump recently tasked the Department of Defense to come up with a plan for a military parade that features armored vehicles, aircraft flying in formation, and marching military personnel. Trump got the idea after watching the French military parade held in Paris on Bastille Day while visiting Paris on July 14 last year.

By Paul Craig Roberts
A couple of decades or more ago when I was still in Washington, otherwise known as the snake pit, I was contacted by a well-financed group that offered me, a Business Week and Scripps Howard News Service columnist with access as a former editor also to the Wall Street Journal, substantial payments to promote agendas that the lobbyists paying the bills wanted promoted.

By Lawrence Davidson
Back in October 2016 I wrote an analysis entitled “Natural Born Killers?” It described and commented on research on the origins of human violence published in the science journal Nature. The conclusion offered in the article is that humans come from an evolutionary line that has the capability for violent behavior genetically built into it. It is a reasonable hypothesis. As just about every serious historian knows, the human propensity for lethal violence goes back as far as the evidence can take us—so far that there can be little doubt that this trait is inherited from our pre-human ancestors.

By Robert Reich
Trump’s promise that corporations will use his giant new tax cut to make new investments and raise workers’ wages is proving to be about as truthful as his promise to release his tax returns.


By Eric Walberg
Writing “The Canada Israel Nexus,” I came across many ironies.

By Stephen Lendman
Pence is living proof that even an extremist imbecile can become vice president of the United States, a heartbeat from the top job.

By Gilad Atzmon
The Jewish timeline is a peculiar one-sided anti-historical narrative that inevitably begins at the point when Jewish suffering is detected and ignores the prior circumstances that may have led to that suffering. In Jewish history, the members of the chosen tribe are never the aggressors nor do they bear any responsibility for their own plight. Quite the opposite, they are always the victims of Goyim’s ‘irrational’ and ‘merciless hatred of Jews.’

In today’s rigged political system, the special interests of a tiny minority trump the will of the great majority.
By Jim Hightower
It’s odd that Washington Republicans are so loudly crowing about their passage of the Trump-McConnell-Ryan tax law. Odd because the people outside of Washington hate that law.

By Edward Curtin
We are haunted by a specter. Strange as it may sound, I was reminded of this when I saw a photograph of the quarterback of the Super Bowl winning Philadelphia Eagles, Nick Foles, looking and pointing up to the heavens. Or to be more precise, the roof of the aptly named U.S. Bank Stadium, a fitting venue for a national celebration of violence and the warfare state. But if we can assume Foles’ gesture was meant to penetrate the roof and travel up to heaven, then you too may find it a bit odd, if touching. Most people, as the poet Czeslaw Milosz has said, are ashamed to ask themselves a question about the implication of such a gesture. “They have experienced the collapse of hierarchical space,” he writes, “and when they fold their hands and lift up their eyes, ‘up’ no longer exists. Let no one say that religion can manage without such primitive directions to orient people.”


By William Blum
The people who created Facebook and Google must be smart. They’re billionaires, their companies are worth multi-multi billions, their programs are used by billions around the world.

By Linh Dinh
With their brief existence, and dumbed down now by a degraded and warped education, most Americans have a telescoped and cartoony sense of history, so nothing matters, really, beyond the last two or three presidential elections, and each foreign country is represented, at most, by a caricature or two, so Germany is Hitler and Merkel, China is Mao and Xi, Russia is Lenin, Stalin and Putin, Japan is no-name-comes-to-mind, Korea is Little Rocket Man, Vietnam is Ho Chee Mann and Mexico, right next door, is, ah, Speedy Gonzales. Having no historical depth, many Americans will claim that China, for example, is a peace loving and fair-minded civilization that shuns invasions and genocides, but you couldn’t have become the most populous nation on earth without gobbling up many lesser ones, and China’s appetite will only increase as its girth balloons even further. To thrive, it will need a chain of vassals and colonies, same as it ever was.

The Vermont senator demanded that the White House budget chief explain "the morality of a budget which supports tax breaks for billionaires" while slashing the safety net
By Jake Johnson
Just 24 hours after denouncing President Donald Trump’s newly-unveiled budget as “morally bankrupt,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) took full advantage of his chance to grill Trump budget chief Mick Mulvaney directly during a Senate hearing on Tuesday, calling the White House’s 2019 blueprint “the budget of the Koch brothers” and arguing thousands would die if the plan became law.

By Wayne Madsen
Donald Trump continues to push his full-throttled assault on the free press by claiming any news report that is critical of him or his policies constitutes “fake news.” Not content with re-writing current events to fit Trump’s agenda, some of his ardent supporters are now pushing the meme of “fake history” to discredit actual chronicles of past events in order to advance false or misleading historical claims or radical religious dogma.

By Stephen Lendman
Diabolical US aims reflect destructive megalomania—defined by Merriam-Webster as “a delusional mental illness that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur.”


By Wayne Madsen
Donald Trump has named Phillip Goldberg, an arch-interventionist U.S. diplomat and acolyte of the “regime change” dogma of hedge fund mogul George Soros, as the interim chargé d’affaires of the U.S. embassy in Cuba. Goldberg’s task will be to initiate Soros-inspired themed street demonstrations in Cuba when Cuban President Raul Castro steps down on April 19 of this year.

By William Blum

“I’m happy to have a president that will bluntly speak the truth in negotiations,” Eric Prince commented on Breitbart News. “If the president says some places are shitholes, he’s accurate.” Thus did Mr. Eric Prince pay homage to Mr. Donald Trump. Prince of course being the renowned founder of Blackwater, the private army which in September 2007 opened fire in a crowded square in Baghdad, killing 17 Iraqi civilians and seriously wounding 20 more.

By Jacob Hornberger
President Trump is making a big deal out of the fact that former staff secretary Rob Porter is being denied “due process of law” because people believe that his two former wives are telling the truth regarding his purported physical abuse of them and disbelieving Porter’s denials of such abuse.

By Margaret Kimberley
The seven year-old war waged against Syria ought to be over by now. The jihadist forces backed by the United States, Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia were nearly all chased out of the country. The combination of Syrian, Iranian, and Hezbollah forces utilized Russian air protection to their advantage and ISIS was on the run.

By Stephen Lendman
Israeli hardliners already considers illegal settlements part of the Jewish state, formal annexation in the cards.


By John W. Whitehead
Mark my words, America’s war spending will bankrupt the nation.

By Wayne Madsen
President Donald Trump’s embattled chief of staff, retired Marine Corps General John Kelly, served as an enigma in uniform. Under President Barack Obama, Kelly had problems following orders during his stint as Commander of the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), headquartered in Miami, Florida. Geographical area commanders, such as SOUTHCOM, and the commander of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) in Tampa, Florida, have become virtual viceroys, often competing with the U.S. State Department in crafting U.S. foreign policy in the areas of the world they have been assigned for their own geo-political and military tinkering.

By Stephen Lendman
US ambassadors notoriously lie for their country. Haley does it repeatedly, again during a Wednesday Security Council session on Syria—a beginning-to-end recitation of Big Lies fooling no one.

By Ramzy Baroud
Despite massive sums of money spent to channel public opinion in the United States in favor of Israel, unmistakable trends in opinion polls are attesting to the changing dynamics of Israel’s support among ordinary Americans.
By William Blum
On January 24, I went to the Washington, DC, bookstore Politics & Prose to hear David Cay Johnston, author of “It’s Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America.” To my surprise he repeatedly said negative things about Russia, and in the Q&A session I politely asked him about this. He did not take kindly to that and after a very brief exchange cut me off by asking for the next person in line to ask a question.

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