Robert Reich | 20 Signs of Impending Tyranny

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Robert Reich | 20 Signs of Impending Tyranny 
Robert Reich. (photo: Getty)
Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page 
Reich writes: "As tyrants take control of democracies, they typically do these things." 
Top White House Officials Knew of Abuse Allegations Against Top Aide for Months, but Kept Him On 
Josh Dawsey and Beth Reinhard, The Washington Post 
Excerpt: "White House Counsel Donald McGahn knew one year ago that staff secretary Rob Porter's ex-wives were prepared to make damaging accusations about him but allowed him to serve as an influential gatekeeper and aide to President Trump without investigating the accusations, according to people familiar with the matter." 

Insurance Companies Are Turning In Undocumented Immigrants Who Are Injured on the Job 
Michael Grabell and Howard Berkes, ProPublica 
Excerpt: "A new bill under consideration by Florida lawmakers would stop insurance companies from dodging payouts by aiding in the arrest and deportation of unauthorized immigrants who are injured on the job." 
Draft Homeland Security Report Calls for Long-Term Surveillance of Muslim Immigrants 
George Joseph, Foreign Policy 
Joseph writes: "A Department of Homeland Security draft report from late January called on authorities to continuously vet Sunni Muslim immigrants deemed to have 'at-risk' demographic profiles." 
Trump's Draft Plan to Punish Legal Immigrants for Sending US-Born Kids to Head Start 
Dara Lind, Vox 
Lind writes: "The Trump administration is working on new rules that would allow the government to keep immigrants from settling in the US, or even force them to leave, if their families had used a broad swath of local, state, or federal social services to which they're legally entitled - even enrolling their US-born children in Head Start or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)." 
After 16 Years, Afghanistan War Is 'a Grinding Stalemate' 
Terry Gross, NPR 
Gross writes: "America's war in Afghanistan is the longest war the U.S. has ever fought. Beginning a month after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the initial mission was to remove the Taliban from power and destroy the al-Qaida terror network. Now, nearly 17 years later, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Steve Coll points out that the war's goals have changed." 

'Are we willing to sell out the public's right to know about harmful chemicals in the places we work, live, and play, just so that Monsanto can sell more glyphosate?' (photo: teleSUR)
'Are we willing to sell out the public's right to know about harmful chemicals in the places we work, live, 
and play, just so that Monsanto can sell more glyphosate?' (photo: teleSUR)

Republicans Back Monsanto, Threaten to Cut WHO's Funding Which Calls Glyphosate 'Carcinogenic' 
Excerpt: "Some Republican lawmakers have bashed the International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC, a World Health Organization, WHO, agency and threatened to cut its funding over for calling a widely used herbicide chemical, glyphosate as a possible 'carcinogenic' at a House Science Committee hearing." 

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