US AFRICOM Blacklists Reporter Nick Turse As “Not A Legitimate Journalist”

Dear Friend,

Journalist Nick Turse, who has reported extensively on US military operations in Africa, was recently told that he has been deemed “not a legitimate journalist” by AFRICOM, the US military command which oversees operations across the continent.

What it was like being in the middle of the Hawaii false alert? Robert J Barsocchini writes a first hand account from Honolulu, Hawaii

U.S President Donald Trump Has Been Declared “Persona Non Grata” In The Caribbean.    A Declaration that was authored by the Pan-Africanist and Socialist popular forces of  the Caribbean nation of Barbados at Bridgetown, Barbados on Saturday 13th January 2018, and  submitted to the people and civil society organizations of the Caribbean for their endorsement and adoption

On January 1, 2018, thousands of Dalit families that had gathered at Bhima Koregaon to pay homage to the Dalit Mahar martyrs of the Anglo-Maratha war of 1818, were targeted and attacked by members of extreme right wing Hindutva groups. The saffron goons not only pelted the Dalit gathering, where there were thousands of women and children, with large stones, but also set their cars and buses on fire. Neighbouring villages meanwhile engaged in a social boycott and shut down their shops, thereby denying the gathered Dalits the opportunity to even purchase bottled water. We publish the findings of a fact finding investigation by members of the Rashtra Seva Dal, a social welfare organization working in the field of Dalit rights.

Also more stories from around the world. 

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In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

US AFRICOM Blacklists Reporter Nick Turse As “Not A Legitimate Journalist”
by Eddie Haywood 

Journalist Nick Turse, who has reported extensively on US military operations in Africa, was recently told that he has been deemed “not a legitimate journalist” by AFRICOM, the US military command which oversees operations across the continent.

The Last Oil: Gathering to Resist Trump’s Reckless Arctic Energy Policy
by Subhankar Banerjee 

The Last Oil is not a warning that we are running out of oil. On the contrary, there is so much oil — and gas and coal and other unconventional fossil fuels like tar sands and methane hydrates — that if we continue to dig up and burn all these fuel sources, we will push the Earth’s climate toward a runaway global warming from where charting a stable path will likely become impossible. The Last Oil instead draws attention to the ongoing collective action and determination to bring an end to the second Oil Age.

Iran Is ‘Not Alone’: Interview With Andre Vltchek
by Mostafa Afzalzadeh 

Logically (and here we are talking about Western imperialist logic), the more positive role Iran plays in the region and in other parts of the world (by, for instance, working closely with several progressive and revolutionary governments in Latin America), the more it gets antagonized, destabilized, even threatened

Solidarity From Central Cellblock To Guantanamo
by Brian Terrell 

On Thursday, January 11, the sixteenth anniversary of the opening of the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba was marked by a coalition of 15 human rights organizations gathered in Lafayette Park, across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House in Washington, DC. An interfaith prayer service was followed by a rally featuring song and poetry and addresses by activists from the sponsoring organizations, including attorneys for some of those detained at Guantanamo, few of these charged with any crime and some cleared for release years ago

When African Americans Learn of Criminal Media’s 54 Year Blackout of King’s Condemnation of US Wars
by Jay Janson 

How strange it is that the African American community  has been, either openly or indifferently, supportive of white racist regime change, imperialist bombings, invasions and bloody occupations in smaller nations of people whose skin color is of various hues even though MLK condemned them as “atrocity wars and covert violence on three continents since 1945 to maintain unjust predatory investment in countries overseas,”

National Green Tribunal Southern Bench Has No Judges: Narendra Modi And Amit Shah Must Be Happy
by Anandi Sharan

The last Judge of the National Green Tribunal southern bench retired last week. Now there are none. Narendra Modi and Amit Shaw who head the most anti-environment Government and political party India has ever had, must be happy.

Macron In China
by Dr Binoy Kampmark 

The leadership in Beijing has been playing a tune French officials have been listening to. It has dropped a few hints that it will adjust to what are termed international norms.  But as an emerging and, in some cases boisterous hegemon, China will buck some of them should they prove intrusive.    The international comity can be a fickle concept.

Epistemology of Earthsea: Is The Universe A Machine?
by Ugo Bardi 

There is a problem with the universal machine, though. Magic, just as science, has no moral compass: the end result of magic doesn’t depend on whether it is done for a good or a bad purpose. Science-based medicine will cure an evil person just as well as a good one, while the best modern technologies have created weapons that will kill anyone. And this is a big problem especially when science fails – and it does. While you can’t sue priests (or God) for malpractice, you can and you do sue doctors. And modern science has been unable to maintain its promises and it can be seen as an evil form of black magic for having lost control on those that it did manage to deliver; think of nuclear energy while, at the same time, unable to reverse the damage it created in the form of climate change, pollution, and more disasters.

Eric Greitens And The Bondage Scandal: Looking Beneath The Surface
by Don Fitz 

When I shook hands with Eric Greitens following the 2016 debate for Missouri Governor, none of us on the Green team imagined that, a year before, he had tied a woman up, blindfolded her, undressed her, photographed her and warned that he would release the photo if she ever said what happened.  The story made local and US news on January 11, 2018 when the now-Governor Greitens followed his “State of the State” address with an admission that he had had an affair, that he and his wife had come to terms with it, and they wanted to get on with their lives.

Thus Spake Oprah As The New York Times Spots UFOs Over The Comb Over Empire
by Phil Rockstroh

Oprah Winfrey is and has been since her entrance into the US mass media hologram one of the capitalist elite’s most effective propagandists. By isntention, her New Age snake oil-peddling patter never connects capitalist exploitation as the dominant source of individual suffering. Of course not. Oprah is a US American huckster in the model of Norman Vincent Peale.

Pakistan Warns India Against Any Misadventure
by Abdus Sattar Ghazali  

Pakistan Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif said Saturday (Jan 13) that Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat’s remarks about Pakistan amount to “invitation for nuclear encounter”. Asif was reacting to Rawat’s Wednesday remark that his forces are ready to call Pakistan’s “nuclear bluff” and cross the border to carry out any operation if asked by the government.

America, A Penthouse Built On Tenaments
by Denis A Conroy 

Western capitalist countries, especially the United States, have become grotesquely unequal, with a significant portion of their populations angst-ridden, miserable, and living within a framework of economic stagnation.

Trump Frenzy Disrespects Facts
by Dr Arshad M Khan 

There is an aspect of Mr. Trump’s remarks that has been overlooked.  Among the most developed  OECD countries, there is one that, in relative terms, matches Trump’s description.  His own.  Its situation is also likely to get only worse under the Trump tax cuts favoring the asset rich.

U.S President Donald Trump Has Been Declared “Persona Non Grata” In The Caribbean

A Declaration that was authored by the Pan-Africanist and Socialist popular forces of    the Caribbean nation of Barbados at Bridgetown, Barbados on Saturday 13th January 2018, and  submitted to the people and civil society organizations of the Caribbean for their endorsement and adoption

What It Was Like Thinking A Ballistic Missile Was Speeding Toward Us In Hawaii
by Robert J Barsocchini 

What it was like being in the middle of the Hawaii false alert? Robert J Barsocchini writes a first hand account from Hawaii

Why We Can’t Tolerate Waikiki As A State
by Valleria Ruselli 

It would be like saying the state of San Francisco when you should have said the state of California. Waikiki is a beachfront neighborhood of Honolulu on the south shore of O’ahu in the U.S. state of Hawaii. It’s no more an “island” than San Francisco is a state. So how did the “journalist” covering the shift change false incoming ballistic missile alarm in the Aloha State get it so wrong? Why did he refer to O’ahu as Waikiki?

What Really Happened In Bhima Koregaon – Fact Finding Report

On January 1, 2018, thousands of Dalit families that had gathered at Bhima Koregaon to pay homage to the Dalit Mahar martyrs of the Anglo-Maratha war of 1818, were targeted and attacked by members of extreme right wing Hindutva groups. The saffron goons not only pelted the Dalit gathering, where there were thousands of women and children, with large stones, but also set their cars and buses on fire. Neighbouring villages meanwhile engaged in a social boycott and shut down their shops, thereby denying the gathered Dalits the opportunity to even purchase bottled water. Following are the findings of a fact finding investigation by members of the Rashtra Seva Dal, a social welfare organization working in the field of Dalit rights.

The Departure Of Anand Prakash, An Extra-Ordinary Crusader Who Stood Up For Justice
by Ramnik Mohan 

The news of the demise of the unassuming, down-to-earth Anand Prakash, who led the struggle for justice for Ruchika Girhotra tirelessly for 26 long years once again brought to my mind the words of a young woman relating the story of her fight for justice to me – “Power and pelf hold sway and ordinary folk like me stand no chance of being able to beat them and get justice.” The struggle of Anand Prakash – and his wife Madhu – is a shining exception to this “rule” and is a beacon of hope for the countless who suffer the pangs of injustice



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