Jeffrey Toobin | The Courts Take Aim at Partisan Gerrymandering

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Jeffrey Toobin | The Courts Take Aim at Partisan Gerrymandering 
Ohio voters at the polls in Cincinnati for the state's primary on March 15. (photo: John Sommers/Getty) 
Jeffrey Toobin, The New Yorker 
Toobin writes: "Donald Trump so dominates the media landscape that he crowds out other news. So what may be the most important political development of our time - the death of partisan gerrymandering - may not be receiving the attention it deserves." 
Trump Moved to Fire Robert Mueller in June, Bringing White House Counsel to the Brink of Leaving 
Rosalind S. Helderman and Josh Dawsey, The Washington Post 
Excerpt: "President Trump sought the firing of Robert S. Mueller III last June, shortly after the special counsel took over the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and he backed off only after White House Counsel Donald F. McGahn threatened to resign over the move." 
Trump Wants to Cut Legal Immigration in Half in Exchange for Giving Citizenship to DREAMers 
Anita Kumar and Franco Ordonez, McClatchy DC 
Excerpt: "The Trump administration presented a much awaited immigration plan Thursday that would allow 1.8 million young immigrants brought to the country illegally by their parents a chance at citizenship, but which would also dramatically gut the legal immigration system." 
Chicago Cop Who Called for Murdering People on Social Media Boasts He Won't Be Fired 
Jodi S. Cohen, ProPublica 
Cohen writes: "Officer John Catanzara describes himself as a 'give no f#$%s, say it like it is man.' His Facebook and Instagram posts have prompted investigations." 
ICE Is About to Start Tracking License Plates Across the US 
Russell Brandom, The Verge 
Brandom writes: "The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has officially gained agency-wide access to a nationwide license plate recognition database, according to a contract finalized earlier this month. The system gives the agency access to billions of license plate records and new powers of real-time location tracking, raising significant concerns from civil libertarians." 
Michael Pollan: Consumer Boycotts Are 'Achilles Heel of American Capitalism' 
Organic Consumers Association 
Excerpt: "Big companies are spending a fortune on brand image and, now more than ever, if you organize or threaten a consumer boycott you can have a real impact." 
Fracking Companies Won't Have to Disclose Chemicals Thanks to Trump Administration Rollback 
Natasha Geiling, ThinkProgress 
Geiling writes: "California and a coalition of environmental groups have all filed challenges to the Bureau of Land Management's fracking rule repeal." 

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