2017 Crushed A Major Temperature Record And Scientists Are Sounding The Alarm, Trashing The Planet For Profit

Dear Friend,

It’s been very cold over North America for days, but globally, 2017 has ended up smashing the record for the hottest year on record without an El Niño. And that has scientists worried, since the warmest years usually happen when the long-term human-caused global warming trend gets a short-term boost from an El Niño’s enhanced warming in the tropical Pacific.

William Bowles asks the crucial question how far can we remain optimistic in the face of climate change?

A number of journalistic forums including Editors Guild of India have condemned the filing of FIR against Rachna Khaira, a reporter of The Tribune who exposed the data breach of UIDAI that implements Indiia’s coercive and panopticon AAdhaar cards.

Also more stories from around the world. 

If you don't mind, and if you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here http://www.countercurrents.org/news-letter/. 

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

2017 Crushed A Major Temperature Record And Scientists Are Sounding The Alarm
by Dr Joe Romm 

It’s been very cold over North America for days, but globally, 2017 has ended up smashing the record for the hottest year on record without an El Niño. And that has scientists worried, since the warmest years usually happen when the long-term human-caused global warming trend gets a short-term boost from an El Niño’s enhanced warming in the tropical Pacific.

Trashing The Planet For Profit
by William Bowles 

Personally, I’ve always been an optimist, that in the future, eventually things would get better. Progress, revolution. Not in my lifetime perhaps but eventually we would move beyond capitalism to a sane society. One not driven by greed and short-term gain for the few. Until that is, the reality of climate change hit home

Foreign Minister Asif Says Pakistan Alliance With U.S. Over
by Abdus Sattar Ghazali

Pakistan’s alliance with the United States seems to be coming towards an end following the US decision to suspend security aid, Pakistan Minister of Foreign Affairs Khawaja Asif told the Wall Street Journal on Friday (Jan. 5).

GMOs, Global Agribusiness And The Destruction of Choice
by Colin Todhunter  

There is the premise that water, food, soil and agriculture should be handed over to powerful and wholly corrupt transnational corporations to milk for profit, under the pretence these entities are somehow serving the needs of humanity. These natural assets (‘the commons’) belong to everyone and any stewardship should be carried out in the common interest by local people assisted by public institutions and governments acting on their behalf, not by private transnational corporations driven by self-interest and the maximization of profit by any means possible.

Why The ‘Progressive’ Historian Stephen Cohen Refuses to Call a U.S. Coup a “Coup” 
by Eric Zuesse 

The most important historical event of recent times was a coup that occurred in 2014 and caused what’s now called ‘the new Cold War’, which is even worse than the original one was; and, yet, Western ‘news’media never reported the coup as being anything like what it was, when it happened; and, it still isn’t being recognized by Western ‘historians’ to have happened, as it did, and to have been a coup — much less who was behind it.

Egypt’s Executions Spree Alarms UN HR Commissioner
by Abdus Sattar Ghazali 

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has expressed deep shock over the execution of 20 people in Egypt within one week, amid concerns that due process and fair trial guarantees did not appear to have been followed.

A Letter In Solidarity With The Tribune
by Red Panther 

Sometimes, I wonder that before 2019 election a dictatorial fascist farmaan will come that without Aadhaar card you cannot vote. When majority of the oppressed masses are either inside the prison or trying to earn a meal per day to at least survive, who is left to vote? May be by stealing our identities you will get your Hindutva Fascist brigade to put multiple votes for you. May be!!!!!

Public Outrage Against The Filing Of FIR Against Tribune Reporter Who Exposed Aadhaar Leaks

A number of journalistic forums including Editors Guild of India have condemned the filing of FIR against Rachna Khaira, a reporter of The Tribune who exposed the data breach of UIDAI that implements Indiia’s coercive and panopticon AAdhaar cards.

Difficult Choices Regarding Government
by Sally Dugman 

The last time that I voted for a USA president was in the Al Gore vs Bush, Jr. (the shrub in relation to his bigger and more adept daddy, the bush) contention. Since Gore would take my state of MA, USA, I voted for the Green Party candidate since that political group needed money in their coffers and clout in Washington, DC. … I had read that anyone doing so would support the green cause. If I had lived in CA, USA at the time, I would have voted for Gore since it was an iffy, swing state. It was around fifty-fifty at the time with Gore vs Bush, I read prior to the election.

How the Recent Protests in Iran Are a Sign of The USA & Saudi Arabia’s New Aggressive Approach against Iran
by Sayed Mousavi 

Many Iranian authorities have claimed that the recent protests in Iran are a result of foreign instigation, pointing fingers at the USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia & the MEK. There have been a series of provocations that have led Iranian authorities to believe a joint initiative is being carried by these different groups.

Yes, Palestinians Teach Their Children To Hate The Jewish State
by Rima Najjar 

Palestinian parents do not teach their children to hate Jews; they teach their children to hate the Jewish state – for their own survival

Netanyahu Go Back!!

Even as global public opinion continues to condemn the Israeli occupation of Palestine, we are deeply perturbed by the fact that PM Modi has chosen to invite an alleged war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu to India on the 14th January 2018, even as the Israeli colonisation project intensifies. Thus the growing Indo-Israeli strategic ties are a great cause for national concern & clearly a betrayal of our anti-colonial legacy, of our very own independence struggle.



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