How Facebook's Political Unit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda

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26 December 17 AM
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How Facebook's Political Unit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda 
Power and social media converge by design at Facebook. (photo: Patrick Lux/Getty Images)
Lauren Etter, Vernon Silver and Sarah Frier, Bloomberg 
Excerpt: "Zuckerberg's social network is a politically agnostic tool for its more than 2 billion users, he has said. But Facebook, it turns out, is no bystander in global politics. What he hasn't said is that his company actively works with political parties and leaders including those who use the platform to stifle opposition." 
FBI Investigates Russian-Linked Cyprus Bank Accused of Money Laundering 
Stephanie Kirchgaessner and Sara Farolfi, Guardian UK 
Excerpt: "The FBI has asked officials in Cyprus for financial information about a defunct bank that was used by wealthy Russians with political connections and has been accused by the US government of money laundering." 
Tribune Editorial: Why Orrin Hatch Is Utahn of the Year 
The Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board 
Excerpt: "The Tribune has assigned the label to the Utahn who, over the past 12 months, has done the most. Has made the most news. Has had the biggest impact. For good or for ill." 
Kremlin Trolls Burned Across the Internet as Washington Debated Options 
Adam Entous, Ellen Nakashima and Greg Jaffe, The Washington Post 
Excerpt: "The events surrounding the FBI's NorthernNight investigation follow a pattern that repeated for years as the Russian threat was building: U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies saw some warning signs of Russian meddling in Europe and later in the United States but never fully grasped the breadth of the Kremlin's ambitions." 
'The American People' Sent Gift-Wrapped Horse Manure to Steve Mnuchin's House 
Gabrielle Bruney, Esquire 
Bruney writes: "Bel Air streets were closed and the Secret Service and LAPD bomb squad called in after a mysterious package addressed to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin appeared outside the home of one of his neighbors." 
Guatemala Follows US Lead, Will Move Its Israel Embassy to Jerusalem 
Doreen McCallister, NPR 
McCallister writes: "Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales announced in a Facebook post on Sunday that the Latin American country would be moving its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem." 
7 Ways to Launch Your Own Anti-Plastics Movement 
Bibi Farber, Earth Island Journal 
Farber writes: "As a culture, we have been duped into thinking that recycling is enough of a step in the right direction." 

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