Subscribe Archives Twitter Facebook Instagram This email may be cut off by your email provider. To see today's full MASSterList, click "View entire message" at the bottom, or view the online version here. By Jay Fitzgerald and Keith Regan 02/08/2018 Who knew what | ‘I am president’ | Yahoo calling Happening Today Health connector, Senate session, JetBlue strike, ‘Lucky’ the lottery terminal -- The Boston Foundati on, the Barr Foundation and A Better City co-host a forum to release ‘The Transportation Dividend: Transit Investments and the Massachusetts Economy,’ Boston Foundation, 75 Arlington St., 3rd Floor, 8:30 a.m. -- The Supreme Judicial Court will hear six cases, John Adams Courthouse, Courtroom One, Second Floor, Pemberton Square, Boston, 9 a.m. -- Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders chairs a meeting of the Health Connector B...
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