[Satire] Trump Expects An Exoneration Letter From Santa, While His Big Fat Gifts For The Middle Class Are A.....

Trump has been privately telling people close to him that he expects 
an exoneration letter from Santa Claus for Christmas. 

While acknowledging that he has not been nice even one time since he 
began running for office, Trump claims there is no evidence, no 
evidence (see, he said it twice in a row) that he has been naughty 

"Yeah, sure I pout a lot, sad, and all I do is cry about how unfairly 
I'm being treated, sad. But when Santa looks at all the things that 
don't exist that I'm telling him to look at, my lawyers tell me my 
exoneration letter is already on the sled, if not in the mail," Trump 

Trump pointed to all the tiny gifts for the middle class in his tax 
bill, that will be taken back the instant the deficit goes up, as 
proof that he can play Santa too, albeit in a reneging manner like 
all the rest of his campaign promises. But he vowed to file a lawsuit 
against Santa if St. Nick didn't come through with his expected 
exoneration letter. 

In the meantime, Robert Mueller isn't doing a lot of talking. But a 
coal dealer reported a large purchase order for lumps of black 
stocking stuffers by the Special Counsel's office. 


Hope you at least got a chuckle out of the above. But seriously, 
please call your members of Congress now and CONTINUE to speak out 
about the dreadful Republican tax swindle. 

Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121 

Let it not be said that we did not speak out against this legislative 
atrocity, regardless of the result. 

It may well be that the Republicans are too corrupt not to hastily 
jam through the most unpopular tax bill ever, over the voices of the 
vast majority of their citizens, and without even a semblance of due 
consideration or real debate. But we will never stop calling them 
out, including and especially in the next election. 

Right up front in the grandstanding hall of shame is Senator Marco 
Rubio, who made a big show on TV of demanding an extra crumb for the 
middle class in the form of a modest child tax credit, even as they 
refuse to fund the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which 
has lapsed while they've been consumed conspiring to cut taxes for 
the rich. Like, oh sure, Rubio's fighting for the middle class with 
his tax credit increase demand. 

If he was actually fighting for the middle class, Rubio would demand 
that it be permanent, like all the huge gifts in the goodie bag for 
the rich and for big corporations. Instead, Republican smiley faced 
automatons are out there lying through their teeth, trying to sooth 
us that there really will be no problem about extending all these 
temporary inducements to complacency for the middle class, if 
necessary after 2025. 

Except that, Paul Ryan is already talking about drastically slashing 
Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid THIS coming year because of 
escalating budget deficits. If there was any sincerity about giving 
the middle class a break in the future, he would not be talking that 
way now. 

It all just an unbelievable scam, only temporary small concessions 
for those not rich, with thick ropes attached to yank them back 
again, the instant their rosy pie in the sky estimates fall flat, as 
all reputable economists are predicting they will. Corporate kingpins 
have already told us they will just use their new tax cut windfall to 
enlarge their monopolies, NOT to create American jobs, good paying or 

And a close second to Rubio in the let them eat the cake he took 
department is outgoing (so he can still run for guess what later) 
Senator Bob Corker, who self-righteously swore up and down he would 
not vote for a bill that added even a penny to the debt, and now has 
done a full about face reversal for a bill that is even worse than 
the one he already voted against. Except we come to find out there is 
a special tax break payoff for him personally, slipped into it at the 
last minute. 

What Rubio and Corker share in common, besides their breathtakingly 
hypocritical corruption, is a transparently burning ambition to run 
for president in the next possible cycle. Hence the faux public 
display of responsibility and concern for the middle class, while in 
the end finding a pretext not to offend the rich donor class they 
will need to fund their White House dreams. Call them now and tell 
them to fugedaboudit. 

Still time to request a bunch of Trump resistance demonstration gifts 
for pre-holiday delivery for your friends and family. We'll be making 
a first class run to the post office every day this week. 

Trump, YOU'RE Fired caps: https:/www.utalk.us/?g=2:Y 

Lock Him Up Trump popcorn boxes: https://www.utalk.us/?g=5:PB 

Or if you just want to make a valiant contribution to support our 
progressive policy work, here is page for that, and you can even make 
it recurrent by checking the box for that. 

Or here is the mailing address if you would prefer to send a check. 

The People's Email Network, PO Box 35022, L.A., CA 90035 

And one last footnote on the stampede to sack Senator Al Franken. We 
now are hearing that a number of Democratic senators, who were so 
quick to condemn Franken, are privately expressing regrets to him 
personally about their rush to the kangaroo court. BUT, except for 
Senator Leahy, and Senator Manchin (who was not a party to the 
original crucifixion), they won't say anything like that publicly 
even now. 

And now we find out that at least some of the women who made the 
accusations that supposedly tipped the thumb laden scales were put up 
to it by . . . wait for it . . . Roger Stone, one of the original 
dirty tricksters. 

We'll say it again. Franken deserved a fair Ethics Committee hearing. 
We are seriously thinking of doing a petition to demand just that. 
Some of you are already asking for it. Tell us what you think. 

This was not zero tolerance for sexual harassment, as certain back 
climbing other presidential hopefuls have declared. This was zero 
tolerance for truth, zero tolerance for due process, zero tolerance 
for real courage. 

Because for most of the Democrats, if the yellow streak down their 
backs was any wider you could dance all the way to Oz on it. 

You may forward this message to any friends who would find it 

Contributions to The People's Email Network or ActBlue are not 
tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes. 

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