RSN: James Risen | Senate Report Strongly Implies Russian Hacking Story Was a Public Service - but Whistleblower Reality Winner Remains in Jail

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James Risen | Senate Report Strongly Implies Russian Hacking Story Was a Public Service - but Whistleblower Reality Winner Remains in Jail 
(photo: Toya Sarno Jordan/Getty) U.S. Senators.
James Risen, The Intercept
Risen writes: "Press coverage of Russian intelligence attempts to hack into U.S. voting systems during the 2016 election played an important role in alerting state elections officials to the threat because government warnings were inadequate, according to a bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report released this week."

Sheldon Adelson's donation comes at a perilous moment for House Republicans, who are facing growing headwinds as they try to save their majority. (photo: Ethan Miller/Getty)
Sheldon Adelson's donation comes at a perilous moment for House Republicans, who are facing growing headwinds as they try to save their majority. (photo: Ethan Miller/Getty)

Sheldon Adelson Is Spending $30M to Help the GOP Keep the House
Jake Sherman and Alex Isenstadt, Politico
Excerpt: "Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson has cut a $30 million check to the House GOP-aligned Congressional Leadership Fund, a massive cash infusion that top Republicans hope will alter the party's electoral outlook six months before Election Day."

President Donald Trump and Trump team lawyer Rudy Giuliani. (photo: Reuters)
President Donald Trump and Trump team lawyer Rudy Giuliani. (photo: Reuters)

Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump: This Will End Badly. And Probably Soon.
Rick Wilson, The Daily Beast
Wilson writes: "Like a bloated, portly fake billionaire rolling off a hooker after a hot 45 seconds of passionate sex, Donald Trump's ardor for Rudy Giuliani seems to have cooled."

Former vice president Dick Cheney. (photo: Getty)
Former vice president Dick Cheney. (photo: Getty)

Dick Cheney Calls for US to Restart Its Torture Programs
Greg Price, Newsweek
Price writes: "The United States should bring back enhanced interrogation techniques and 'go back and study them and learn,' according to former vice president Dick Cheney on Thursday."

Picketeers march at the University of California, Berkeley, May 7, 2018. (photo: KPIX-TV)
Picketeers march at the University of California, Berkeley, May 7, 2018. (photo: KPIX-TV)

Thousands of University of California Workers Go on Strike Over Pay
CBS News
Excerpt: "Thousands of custodians, security guards, gardeners and other service workers at University of California campuses started a three-day strike Monday. The strike was called to address pay inequalities and demand higher wages."

Alicia Nichols holds her daughter, Diana, in her home in February. After the birth of Diana, Nichols suffered unusual postpartum blood loss that she feels was not taken seriously by her doctor. (photo: Kayana Szymczak/NPR)
Alicia Nichols holds her daughter, Diana, in her home in February. After the birth of Diana, Nichols suffered unusual postpartum blood loss that she feels was not taken seriously by her doctor. (photo: Kayana Szymczak/NPR)

A mother giving birth in the U.S. is about three times as likely to die as a mother in Britain and Canada.

For Every Woman Who Dies in Childbirth in America, 70 More Come Close
Renee Montagne, NPR
Montagne writes: "Blackwell's story of reaching the brink of death is one that happens much too often, say researchers."

Solar panels, including this one in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, produced a small portion of this 98.1 percent renewable energy. (photo: Joe Raedle/Getty)
Solar panels, including this one in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, produced a small portion of this 98.1 percent renewable energy. (photo: Joe Raedle/Getty)

Costa Rica to Ban Fossil Fuels and Become World's First Decarbonised Society
Tom Embury-Dennis, The Independent
Embury-Dennis writes: "Costa Rica's new president has announced a plan to ban fossil fuels and become the first fully decarbonised country in the world."

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