RSN: Bernie Sanders: American Oligarchy Keeps Progressive Policies From Advancing

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19 May 18
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Bernie Sanders: American Oligarchy Keeps Progressive Policies From Advancing 
Bernie Sanders. (photo: Antonella Crescimbeni)
Nicole Gaudiano, USA TODAY
Gaudiano writes: "Sen. Bernie Sanders, speaking at a policy forum here Tuesday, identified a singular roadblock to achieving success on a host of progressive policies - and it wasn't the Trump administration."

Donald Trump. (photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Donald Trump. (photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Business Has Never Been Better if You're a Lobbyist With Ties to Donald Trump
Libby Watson, Splinter News
Watson writes: "It's Friday, and Washington, DC is still a corrupt cesspool! USA Today reported today that lobbyists with ties to Donald Trump and Mike Pence have raked in at least $28 million for their lobbying since Trump became president."

The New York Stock Exchange. (photo: Ben Hider/NYSE Euronext)
The New York Stock Exchange. (photo: Ben Hider/NYSE Euronext)

Fortune 500 CEOs Are Paid Up to 5,000 Times More Than Their Employees
Quentin Fottrell, MarketWatch
Fottrell writes: "Transparency on executive pay shows how the other half lives. Chief executive pay in the U.S. is among the highest in the world, according to a new report by the staff of Keith Ellison, a Democratic congressman for Minnesota."

Bradley Harris ordered that patients who stayed beyond the time they allowed Novus to turn a profit receive higher doses of 'whatever narcotic was being used, generally morphine, Dilaudid or Ativan,' records show. (photo: MAP)
Bradley Harris ordered that patients who stayed beyond the time they allowed Novus to turn a profit receive higher doses of 'whatever narcotic was being used, generally morphine, Dilaudid or Ativan,' records show. (photo: MAP)

Hospice Exec Admits Overdosing Patients 'to Hasten Their Deaths' and Make More Money
Jennifer Emily, The Dallas Morning News
Emily writes: "The former executive of a Frisco hospice admitted Thursday to overdosing patients to 'hasten their deaths' so the company could make more money, court records show."

James Owens was sentenced to life in prison without parole in 1988 for a murder he didn't commit. (photo: Lexey Swall/ProPublica)
James Owens was sentenced to life in prison without parole in 1988 for a murder he didn't commit. (photo: Lexey Swall/ProPublica)

Rose writes: "Baltimore officials today approved a $9 million settlement - the largest in city history - to James 'J.J.' Owens, who spent two decades in prison for a murder he didn't commit."
'We Die Anyway, So Let It Be in Front of the Cameras': Conversations With Palestinians in Gaza
Amira Hass, Haaretz
Hass writes: "'Our ability, the Palestinians, to be killed is greater than your ability, the Israelis, to kill,' a resident of the Deheisheh refugee camp near Bethlehem told me at the beginning of the second intifada."
Tens of Thousands of Species at Risk if Warming Exceeds 1.5°C
John H. Cushman, Jr. and Neela Banerjee, InsideClimate News
Excerpt: "Humanity can powerfully improve the survival odds of tens of thousands of species, but only if nations dramatically raise their ambitions in the fight against climate change, according to new research published on Thursday in the journal Science."

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