The Post Most: Questions linger about how Melania Trump, a Slovenian model, scored ‘the Einstein visa’

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Questions linger about how Melania Trump, a Slovenian model, scored ‘the Einstein visa’
Just five immigrants from that country obtained legal residency under the EB-1 program the year the first lady received her green card.
By Mary Jordan  •  Read more »

The Plum Line • Opinion
Trump’s rage at Sessions puts the president in serious danger
Robert S. Mueller III is now scrutinizing Trump's efforts to oust his attorney general as potential signs of obstruction of justice.
By Greg Sargent  •   Read more »
James Harden pulls the most disrespectful move of the season and Twitter goes nuts
A crossover move that sent the Clippers' Wesley Johnson sprawling only began the humiliation Harden inflicted on the Los Angeles player.
By Des Bieler  •   Read more »
Trump aide Hope Hicks to resign amid personal tumult and Russia probe
Hicks is one of President Trump’s longest serving aides, having worked with him from the beginning of his campaign.
By Philip Rucker  •   Read more »
PowerPost • Analysis
The Daily 202: Trump’s rejection of due process for gun owners points to his disdain for the rule of law
The president’s latest attack on the attorney general adds to a pattern.
By James Hohmann  •   Read more »
PostEverything • Perspective
We kissed conservatism goodbye when we let Trump lead the GOP
He can’t defend traditional, conservative Republican positions when he doesn’t know what they are.
By Rick Wilson  •   Read more »
As U.S. gun debate rages on, Australians hand in 57,000 firearms, and Norway is set for a broad ban
Both initiatives indicate the lengths to which governments have gone in response to mass shootings in their respective countries.
By Rick Noack  •   Read more »
Hope Hicks told the truth about lying for Trump. Now she’s gone.
At least the departing White House communications director admitted it.
By Dana Milbank  •   Read more »
Mueller investigation examining Trump’s apparent efforts to oust Sessions in July
Witnesses have been questioned repeatedly about a period when Trump railed publicly and privately against his attorney general.
By Devlin Barrett  •   Read more »
Putin claims Russia has nuclear arsenal capable of avoiding missile defenses
A speech by the Russian president set out military advances and warnings to the West three weeks before the country’s presidential election.
By Anton Troianovski  •   Read more »
Also Popular in Politics
The Trump White House is a place where turmoil never ends
The president promised to drain the swamp. Instead he’s presided over the emptying out of his senior staff.
By Dan Balz  •  Read more »
Also Popular in Opinions
We got China wrong. Now what?
For years, policymakers have argued that the gravitational pull of the United States would gradually reshape China. That hasn’t happened.
By Charles Lane  •  Read more »
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D.C.-area forecast: A little light rain today; then a hazardous high-wind event is likely Friday
Wind gusts may near 60 mph Friday.
By David Streit  •  Read more »

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Iowa, Rutgers advance to kick off the Big Ten tournament’s week in New York
The conference tournament gets underway a week earlier than normal to make its debut in New York.
By Roman Stubbs  •  Read more »
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Keith Richards insulted Mick Jagger again. This time, he apologized.
The two might make good rock-and-roll, but they've long had a contentious relationship.
By Travis M. Andrews  •  Read more »
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