POLITICO Massachusetts Playbook:SETTI's caucus curveball — Storming the PRIMARIES — SCIBAK not seeing reelection
02/12/2018 07:19 AM EDT
By Lauren Dezenski (ldezenski@politico.com; @LaurenDezenski) with Brent D. Griffiths (bgriffiths@politico.com; @BrentGriffiths)
DATELINE NEWTON - Heading into this weekend's Democratic caucus in Newton, there were questions about the depth of support for its former mayor, and now gubernatorial candidate, Setti Warren.
And as it turned out, Setti locked down the majority of the 63 total delegates, but not all of them. Jay Gonzalez secured 16 of the delegates, Bob Massie secured one, and there were also four uncommitted delegates as well. Democrats are currently caucusing around the state to elect delegates to the state's convention in June.
Newton was one of hundreds of caucuses taking place this weekend and all three candidates are expected to make the ballot. But not securing all of the delegates in his backyard could be a sign of muted enthusiasm for Setti among the Democrats he closely worked with as mayor over the last eight years.
Setti did, however, get a boost from Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller, who told the caucusing Dems she is supporting her predecessor.
Have a tip, story, suggestion, birthday, anniversary, new job, or any other nugget for the Playbook? Get in touch: ldezenski@politico.com.
TODAY - The Big Three (Gov. Charlie Baker, Senate President Harriette Chandler, and House Speaker Robert DeLeo) hold their weekly leadership meeting at the State House - Sen. Ed Markey holds a press conference from his Boston office on President Trump's proposed infrastructure plan with T4Mass' Chris Dempsey and Mass Municipal Association's Geoff Beckwith - Rep. Richard Nealholds a symposium in Springfield on the recent tax bill with the chief of staff to the Joint Committee on Taxation
- "Warning of high power costs of marijuana, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker's administration recommends energy standards," by Gintautas Dumcius, MassLive.com: "Massachusetts marijuana regulators should lay out specific energy efficiency and environmental standards as a condition of a pot license, Gov. Charlie Baker's energy secretariat said Friday. In a letter to the Cannabis Control Commission, Tori Kim, a top lawyer for Baker's energy and environmental affairs department, said the commission's proposed regulations don't go far enough."
- "DAs ask pot regulators to nix 'cannabis cafes'," by Associated Press: "District Attorneys are asking state marijuana regulators to hold off on the licensing of certain types of businesses, including so-called cannabis cafes and home delivery services. In a letter Friday to the five-member Cannabis Control Commission, the Massachusetts District Attorneys Association says draft regulations that would allow for such businesses go beyond the scope of the state's recreational pot law and greatly increase 'the risks to public safety.'"
- "Changes ahead for bill that would gather data on Asian-Americans," by Amanda Kaufman, Boston University Statehouse Program: "Lawmakers have voted to replace a bill that would have required state agencies to gather more specific ethnic information on Asian-Americans with new legislation that proposes studying the collection of demographic data on all racial groups. Committee members overwhelmingly approved amending the original legislation to 'establish a special commission to investigate and study the feasibility' of applying the same definitions of ethnic groups used by the U.S. Census Bureau to the state."
** A message from Massachusetts Coalition for Sustainable Energy: Massachusetts is running out of energy. Let's speed our transition to renewables and increase access to clean alternatives like natural gas so we can end our reliance on oil and coal. Join us in saying YES to this future. **
- "Progressives storm Democratic primaries," by Laura Nahmias and yours truly, POLITICO: "Progressive insurgents are launching challenges to Democratic members of Congress in some of the country's bluest districts, sparked by deep frustration with the party establishment and anti-Trump anger. Six veteran incumbents already face energetic primary challenges from younger candidates in New York and Massachusetts."
- BONUS: MORE ON THE DEM PRIMARY CHALLENGERS - some more tidbits that didn't make it into this story: - Rep. Stephen Lynch challenger Brianna Wu acknowledges she's struggled to get traction - and said she plans to loan a six-figures to her campaign over the next fundraising quarter to bring in out-of-state organizers to create a fundraising and events structure. She hopes to build a structure that will support the "insurgent group of women" surfacing in this year's primary.
- After Wu's December 2016 announcement, it would be nearly a year until another Democratic candidate emerged to challenge a Democratic incumbent, which she doesn't think is a coincidence. "I've come to the conclusion the Democratic Party in our state won't be our friend," she said.
- Rep. Richard Neal's challenger Tahirah Amatul-Wadud points to President Donald Trump's election as a motivation to run, as well as frustration coming from inner-city Springfield rural parts of the district around Neal. "My district has the lowest median income in the commonwealth with the most senior congressman in the delegation," Amatul-Wadud said in an interview with POLITICO. She's running on a more progressive platform than Neal, which includes support for single-payer health care. Like the other insurgents, there's been institutional pushback to her bid. "Among the traditional establishment players, I have not had any response," Amatul-Wadud. "It's safe to say they don't necessarily appreciate my presence in the race."
- Rep. Michael Capuano challenger Ayanna Pressley acknowledges that Capuano might know a thing or two about the dynamics of the coming race from his first experience in Somerville municipal politics. In 1979, Capuano was one of a handful of primary challengers in an unsuccessful mayoral bid after his first term as an alderman. "I'm certain the congressman isn't taking this personally because he challenged an incumbent himself," Pressley said.
- "Mass. Sens. to EPA: Make GE send river waste out of state," by Rick Archer, Law360: " - A trio of congressional representatives Thursday urged the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to reject a request by General Electric for local disposal of contaminated soil dredged from the Housatonic River after an agency appeal board threw that section of the cleanup plan into question."
ALWAYS A MASSACHUSETTS CONNECTION - "Accused Trump speechwriter lived on Cape Cod," by Mary Ann Bragg, Cape Cod Times: "A White House speechwriter who abruptly left his job Friday over allegations of marital abuse reportedly graduated from Barnstable High School and is the grandson of one of the controversial founders of the Community of Jesus, where he lived as a boy. Former speechwriter David Sorensen, 32, is the grandson of Judy Sorensen, who started the Community of Jesus in 1968 with fellow Episcopalian Cay Andersen."
- "Sen. Warren Discusses Trump Staff Shakeup," by Michael Rosenfield, New England Cable News: "Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren says the Trump administration should have known something wasn't right well before the sudden resignations of two White House staffers amid allegations of abuse. 'There was an investigation by the FBI into each of the people who have been accused,' said Senator Warren at a town hall meeting in Franklin [on Saturday]. 'Photographic evidence, if there were more questions to be asked, they should have been asked.'"
- Western Mass. State Rep. John Scibak not seeking re-election, he writes in a Facebook post: "This has been the best job in the world and I know that I'll miss it but the time has come for someone else to step forward and share their talent and expertise on behalf of the people of the Second Hampshire District. ... I'm making this announcement now in order to give prospective candidates time to consider a run, gather signatures, put together a campaign and reach out to the voters they hope to represent. Hopefully, they'll realize it's a lot easier being on the ballot than running a sticker campaign ."
- "Though the 7th District is minority-majority, most of its voters are white," by Steve Koczela, WBUR: "Since [Boston City Councilor Ayanna] Pressley's announcement, much of the coverage has noted the diversity of the district as a key dynamic in how the race may unfold. while it's true that the 7th is less than half white in terms of population, the district's voters are less diverse."
- "Money flows to supporters of restroom accommodations law," by Christian M. Wade, Eagle-Tribune: "Keep Massachusetts Safe, a ballot committee backing a statewide referendum to repeal the public accommodations law, raised about $105,000 as of the end of last year, according to the latest reports to the state Office of Campaign and Political Finance. By contrast, Freedom for All Massachusetts, which wants to keep the protections, has drummed up more than $457,000."
FIRST IN PLAYBOOK - "Massachusetts Coalition of Police Endorses Barbara L'Italien," from the L'Italien campaign: "The Massachusetts Coalition of Police (Mass C.O.P.), the commonwealth's local police union, announced today its endorsement of State Senator Barbara L'Italien (D-Andover) in her run for Congress in the 3rd District. The AFL-CIO affiliate is the largest law enforcement union in Massachusetts, representing over 4,300 municipal police officers in over 216 locals."
- "Koh: I can bring change locally, nationally,"by Chris Lisinski, the Lowell Sun: "[Dan] Koh, 33, worked as chief of staff to Boston Mayor Marty Walsh for four years before moving back to Andover, where he grew up, to run. He said he hopes to bring a municipal-level attitude to responding to every problem to Congress, seeing the role as 'no more or no less' important than a town's selectman."
- "Gifford plans to visit all 37 communities," by Chris Lisinski, the Lowell Sun: "Rufus Gifford unveiled a plan Tuesday to tour all 37 communities in the 3rd Congressional District as part of his campaign."
WOOD WAR - Herald: "MOMENT OF TRUTH!" - Globe: "Ex-president at Tufts picked to lead Harvard University," "Scientist faults study on asthma," "A town grieves for two young lives," "In Uphams, a potential blueprint on growth," "A moment of joyous truth for Paul Pierce."
- "Marty Wash spent $18,000 on copies of Joe Biden's book to give away at mayoral inauguration," by Dan Atkinson and Chris Cassidy, Boston Herald: "Biden presided over Walsh's second inauguration Jan. 1 at the Cutler Majestic Theatre, the first time a former vice president had attended a Boston mayoral inauguration. According to campaign finance records, Walsh paid $18,072 for 1,500 books."
- "A Famed Fishing Port Staggers as Its 'Codfather' Goes to Jail," by Jess Bidgood, New York Times: "As [Carlos Rafael] sits in prison, having pleaded guilty to lying about his catches and smuggling cash out of the country, nearly two dozen of his boats have been barred from fishing for species like cod and haddock, grinding part of the centuries-old maritime economy in the nation's most lucrative fishing port to a halt. Fishermen, ice houses and shoreside suppliers who once did business with Mr. Rafael are anxious, as their own businesses have slowed or stopped."
- "Bacow to serve as Harvard's 29th president," by Crimson News staff, Harvard Crimson: "Harvard Corporation member Lawrence S. Bacow will serve as the University's 29th president, members of the presidential search committee announced Sunday afternoon, ending a seven month-long hunt he initially helped conduct. Bacow ... formerly served as the president of Tufts University and the chancellor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has also held roles at the Harvard Kennedy School, the Graduate School of Education, the Law School-and, most recently, on Harvard's own search committee."
- "Council seeks steps vs. opioid makers and Holyoke Mayor Alex Morse considering 'taking action'," by Mike Plaisance, MassLive.com: "The City Council has asked Mayor Alex B. Morse and the Law Department to consider having the city join lawsuits against opioid manufacturer. Dozens of municipalities across the country have filed or are considering such lawsuits."
- "Brazilian man detained by ICE back home in Beverly," by Arianna MacNeill, the Salem News: "Fabiano de Oliveira, 33, was taken by ICE officials on Jan. 9 after he and Karah de Oliveira went through a marriage petition interview, a first step in obtaining legal status to live in the country, at the immigration office in Lawrence. [Jeff Rubin, Fabiano de Oliveira's attorney] fought for his client's release, arguing that [he] doesn't have a criminal record and was just trying to go through the process to live here legally with his family."
- "Cuts to Worcester transit concern methadone patients," by Cyrus Moulton, Worcester Telegram & Gazette: "The [Worcester Regional Transit Authority] is facing potential service and staff cuts because of another year of level funding among increased costs. The prospect of losing weekend service has raised particular concerns about the needs of those riders in recovery, many of whom ... receive daily methadone from [Spectrum Health Systems]."
- "Protesters take a stand on coyote hunt," by Ethan Genter, Cape Cod Times: " About 70 protesters lined up Saturday on the sidewalk in front of Powderhorn Outfitters on Barnstable Road to make their opinions known about the store's coyote hunting contest. Coyote hunting is legal in Massachusetts - the season runs from October to March - but many of the protesters said they disagreed with a hunting for sport, as coyotes are rarely a source of food."
- "The Herald gave me a shot. Now will someone give the tabloid one?," by Adam Smith, WGBH News: "While I was never really more than a bolt in the Herald machine, and a replaceable one at that, I've ended up spending in total about 10 years working for the paper in one way or another ... Now, as the Herald's fate seems to be in the hands of others - a bankruptcy court judge and whoever might buy the paper - it's hard not to feel a little bitter, sad, and even a bit of delusional hope that The Little Tabloid That Could just might come out better after all this is over."
- Dina Powell has been named a senior fellow at the Future of Diplomacy Project at Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. She served as deputy national security adviser for President Trump. http://politi.co/2Ha4UVV
HAPPY BIRTHDAY - to Falmouth Rep. David Vieira and former MassUniting spokesman Reggie Zimmerman.
DID THE HOME TEAM WIN? Yes and no! The Bruins beat the Devils 5-3, but the Celtics lost to the Cavaliers 121- 99. The team also retired Paul Pierce's number 34.
TUNE IN ... TO THE HORSE RACE PODCAST - Episode 16: Storming the Gates: Steve Koczela is back in the bunker just in time for caucus season! We've got answers to all the caucus questions you're afraid to ask with special guest Gus Bickford, Chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic Party. We also check in on the first forum for the MA-3, the legal challenge to the proposed "Fair Share" ballot question and the latest development around the senate presidency. Subscribe and listen on iTunes and Sound Cloud
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** A message from Massachusetts Coalition for Sustainable Energy: The Massachusetts Coalition for Sustainable Energy believes Massachusetts' energy future will be built on renewable sources such as wind, solar and hydro that meet the needs of our families and businesses. Join us in saying YES to this future. But right now, we are running out of energy and forced to use carbon intensive fuels like oil and coal to make up the difference. Let's speed our transition to renewable energy technologies and increase access to clean alternatives like natural gas to protect our economy and our planet. **

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