Dan Rather | 10 Questions in the Wake of Parkland Shooting

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17 February 18 PM
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Dan Rather | 10 Questions in the Wake of Parkland Shooting 
Dan Rather. (photo: Christopher Patey)
Dan Rather, Dan Rather's Facebook Page 
Rather writes: "Will this time be different? Will there be marches in the streets?" 
Mueller Is Still Investigating Trump's Campaign for Possible Collusion With Russia 
Rebekah Entralgo, ThinkProgress 
Entralgo writes: "A major indictment released Friday by the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller accused 13 individuals and three Russian companies of 'interference operations targeting the United States.'" 

U.S. special operations personnel prepare to board a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter during a mission in Afghanistan. (photo: U.S. Department of Defense)
U.S. special operations personnel prepare to board a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter during a mission in Afghanistan. (photo: U.S. Department of Defense)

ICC Gets Over 1 Million Testimonies From Afghans Suing US Government, CIA Over War Crimes 
Excerpt: "More than one million statements from Afghan people and organizations have been submitted to the International Criminal Court alleging war crimes were committed by several actors in the country including the U.S. military, the CIA, Afghan forces and the Taliban, local groups working with the Hague-based tribunal said Friday." 

Kristi Gilroy hugs a young woman at a police check point near the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where 17 people were killed by a gunman on February 15, 2018, in Parkland, Florida. (photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
Kristi Gilroy hugs a young woman at a police check point near the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where 17 people were killed by a gunman on February 15, 2018, in Parkland, Florida. (photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

Gun Violence Has Dropped Dramatically in 3 States With Very Different Gun Laws 
Mike Males, YES! Magazine 
Males writes: "This week, 17 teachers, students, and visitors died in a Florida high school, in a country where mass shootings have been devastatingly routine. This was followed by another day of despairing, angry furor over guns, schools, and shootings that replayed the same reactions from dozens of past shootings." 
Philadelphia DA Says His Office Will No Longer Charge People for Weed Possession 
Emma Roller, Splinter 
Roller writes: "Last November, Philadelphians elected civil rights lawyer Larry Krasner as their new district attorney. Krasner is a shining example of why local elections matter more than ever, and of the good that local officials can do in spite of an oppressively conservative federal agenda." 

Indigenous women protesting in Guatemala. (photo: Elena Hermosa/Trócaire)
Indigenous women protesting in Guatemala. (photo: Elena Hermosa/Trócaire)

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"A lawyer poised to represent 11 Guatemalan women in a Canadian court says his clients are eager to 'tell their story' in their lawsuit against Minerals, the Toronto-based mining company named in an alleged 2007 gang rape in ." @CTVNews https://buff.ly/2p3v1sF 

Demanding Justice: Indigenous Women in Guatemala Battle Canadian Mining Giant 
Heather Gies, Upside Down World 
Gies writes: "In early 2007, hundreds of military, police, and private security personnel stormed Choc Quib's community, Lote Ocho, and raped the women while the men in the subsistence farming community tended their fields. State and private forces had attempted to force the Indigenous peasants from their land days earlier, burning several homes." 
America's Failing Water Systems 
Francie Diep, Pacific Standard 
Diep writes: "In any given year over the past three decades, between 3 and 10 percent of community water systems in America have violated health standards in some way, according to a new study." 

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