CC News Letter 03 Feb - How Big a Disaster Can Climate Change Be?

Dear Friend,

Nature has just published a paper by Marsicek et al.  There is an image that shows a reconstruction from pollen records of the temperatures of the past 10,000 year or so, the “Holocene,” for North America and Europe. The image shows how fast temperatures have been growing during the past 50 years or so. It's truly dramatic and terrifying. 

Anne Baring writes an indepth review of John Scales Avery's important  book  “Nuclear Weapons: An Absolute Evil”

Chapter 4 of Dr Punyabrata Gun's memoir of one the greatest revolutionaries of modern India, Shankar Guha Niyogi. This chapter deals with "The Women’s Movement Of Chhattisgarh"

Also more stories from around the world. 

If you don't mind, and if you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here 

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

How Big a Disaster Can Climate Change Be?
by Ugo Bardi 

You can see an image from the paper by Marsicek et al., just appeared on Nature. It shows a reconstruction from pollen records of the temperatures of the past 10,000 year or so, the “Holocene,” for North America and Europe. The graph shows how fast temperatures have been growing during the past 50 years or so.

Review of John Scales Avery’s book “Nuclear Weapons: An Absolute Evil”
by Anne Baring 

Most of the planet’s inhabitants, even those who are highly educated and working in governments and organizations like the United Nations have very little awareness of what an exchange of nuclear weapons would be like or what its immediate and long-term effects would be in terms of the massive numbers of civilian deaths and the rapid deterioration of the planetary environment. This is the lacuna that Professor Avery’s book sets out to fill in an admirably clear and comprehensive way, enriching it with photographs and quotations from men who have, from the outset, expressed their opposition to nuclear weapons. The book is an education in itself on the many facets of this complex subject including how these weapons first came into being in first five, then nine nuclear nations.

World Is Burning – While Western Left Is Quarreling
by Andre Vltchek 

It really is a shame, and it is tiring, but it is actuallynothing new: there is now total disarray amongst those countless‘progressive’ and ‘semi-left’ Western intellectuals, publications, movements and political parties. Cowardice, bloated egos, lack of discipline and intellectual pettiness are often to blame, but that is not all.

The American Empire And Its Media
by Swiss Propaganda Research 

Largely unbeknownst to the general public, many media executives and top journalists of almost all major US news outlets have long been members of the influential Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). 

“Struggle And Create: My Days With Com. Shankar Guha Niyogi” – Chapter 4: The Women’s Movement Of Chhattisgarh
by Dr Punyabrata Gun 

The Chhattisgarh Mines ShramikSangh (CMSS), the first union under the red-green banner, set up seventeen departments in order to bring the entirety of a mine worker’s life under its umbrella. One of these was the women’s department that later took the form of the MahilaMuktiMorcha or women’s freedom front. The person whose death spurred workers to pledge to build their own hospital was also a woman – the union vice president Kusumbai.

Budget Ignores Gandhian Economics
by National Alliance of People’s Movements 

The Budget speech of Finance Minister Arun Jaitley kept harping on the fact that, the key focus of the government was farmers, rural poor, marginal communities and SC/ST, however, the overall announcements and allocations completely fell short of the intentions. The announcement of the celebration of 150 years of Gandhi is welcome but the fulcrum of the Gandhian economics, a self-sufficient village economy is ignored and so is the idea of localisation and the swadeshi

The Budget – ‘ Divyang’ Left As ‘Viklang’
by Sheshu Babu 

While the 2018 -19 has disappointed many and satisfied few: among those who were left dismayed are persons with disabilities. The PM named them ‘ Divyaang’ but not much has been done to uplift them socially and financially.

The 2018-2019 Union Budget Is Good For Creating 116651 Cabinet Ministers But Nothing Else
by Anandi Sharan 

The average, declared, moveable and immovable assets of the 70 Union Cabinet members is around Rs 16 crores. The Union Budget 2018-2019 is Rs 1866418 crores after subtracting the 23% that will go on interest payments on borrowings (at interest rates and repayment terms set by the Government itself).  Assuming this average per cabinet minister extends to all politicians and their friends and relations in the country, the budget will be enough to create 116651 crorepatis the size of the average Cabinet Minister.

Fighting Peripheralization: The Dalit Movement Against A Hindu Caste-Wall In Kerala
by T T Sreekumar 

The Dalit land rights movement in Vadayambady, Kerala, against a ‘Caste Wall’ built by the Hindu temple run by the upper caste Nair Shudras and their organization called Nair Service Society (NSS) is one movement that needs to be reckoned for its close relationship with the trajectories of the socio-political and economic history of anti-caste struggles in the region. The wall has been built around a playground that has been customarily used as common property by the Dalit communities living in the scheduled caste colonies surrounding the temple. An upper caste temple in the vicinity of the colonies itself is a testimony to the bizarre history of opportunistic land grabbing in the name of religion.

Making India Healthy
by Ashish Singh 

In today’s world, where almost everything is a click away for many, access to healthcare, descents into alcoholism, and misperceptions about illnesses can still take us back to the eighteenth century. In this brief article, the idea is to give an overview of the interplay between the aforementioned determinants while presenting some evidence from the ground.

Violence In Kasganj Result Of Saffron Conspiracy!
by Abdul Haque Khan 

Whatever happened in Kasganj is the same as has occurred at various places in Uttar Pradesh in the aftermath of the 2013-2014 Muzaffarnagar riots. The Kasganj incident has provided the starting point for a plan, prepared with cunning and care, to vitiate the atmosphere in the country.

CFSWs And Their Workers’ Rights
by Harasankar Adhikari 

From the study, it was also gravitated that about 60% of the CFSWs had on identity of their citizenship and that’s why, they were not eligible to avail the services of government or various benefits provided by governments. The policies and programmes undertaken by the governments or other development agencies, for them, had been concentrated on the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS. But rehabilitation measures, specifically for retired CFSWs did not exist. When sex market rejects they had to beg or they had to die in hunger.

Open Letter To The Education Minister Kashmir: Why Study Disaster Management?
by Gowhar Naz 

Jammu and Kashmir state, due to its geographical locations and formations is a multi-hazard prone region and has higher to very high risk of natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, landslides, avalanches, snow storms, besides manmade disasters including fatal road accidents and fires always ready to hit it. Moreover, the J&K state falls in the seismic zone’s IV and V,awarningthat seeks an immediate attention.



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