Week of January 15, 2018

Intrepid Report

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By Paul Craig Roberts
The US military/security complex has taken another step toward Armageddon. The Pentagon has prepared a nuclear posture review (NPR) that gives the OK to development of smaller “usable” nuclear weapons and permits their use in response to a non-nuclear attack.

By Stephen Lendman
Trump’s not unique. So were the Clintons, Bush/Cheney, Obama and other past US presidents—hostile to peace, democratic values, rule of law principles and social justice.

By Luciana Bohne
In 1887, Frederick Engels made a chilling prediction of the war that would come in 1914: “The only war left for Prussia-Germany to wage will be a world war, a world war, moreover of an extent of violence hitherto unimagined. Eight to ten million soldiers will be at each other’s throats and in the process they will strip Europe barer than a swarm of locusts. The depredations of the Thirty Years’ War compressed into three to four years and extended over the entire continent; famine, disease, the universal lapse into barbarism.”

By Robert Reich
Now that Trump has been president for almost a year, it’s time the media called his behavior for what it is rather than try to normalize it. Here are the six most misleading media euphemisms for conduct unbecoming a president . . .

By Missy Comley Beattie
The Golden Globes: Hollywood’s most prominent women, costumed in black to support the #MeToo movement, were misty eyed, wonderstruck when Oprah Winfrey delivered her first campaign speech, inspiring liberals throughout the USA! USA! USA! to an orgasmic shattering-of-the-glass-ceiling altitude. Some among the crowd appeared transfixed, transcending the secular. Their faces rapt, as if they were witness to the birth of a saviorette. This time, one beloved enough to defeat Donald Trump. Fast forward to when there would be no need for a post-inauguration multitude of pussy-hat wearers from towns and cities throughout the country, walking, driving, busing, flying, raging to Washington, D.C., to protest the defeat of a neoliberal, regime-change warmongering, homogametic narcissist by a pussy grabbing, white nationalist, soon-to-be warmonger, heterogametic narcissist.


By Dave Alpert
First, let me get this out of the way . . . Donald Trump is a loudmouth, arrogant, narcissistic, racist, misogynist pig. Have I made my feelings clear?

By Wayne Madsen
One of the more welcomed outcomes of the paring back of the U.S. State Department bureaucracy is the elimination of scores of “status quo enthusiasts.” Since the end of World War II, the State Department’s ranks have been populated by foreign service officers and career diplomats who have championed the international status quo.

By Linda S. Heard
It is hard to keep up with the US president’s insults and shock policy decisions yet the Republican Party is sticking with him. He has labeled Mexicans as rapists. He did his best to enact a Muslim entry ban. He gleefully threw rolls of paper towels at traumatised Puerto Ricans, many without food, water and shelter in the aftermath of a hurricane. He insisted a crowd of white supremacist protesters in Charlottesville included good people.

By Kathy Kelly
January 11, 2018, marked the 16th year that Guantanamo prison has exclusively imprisoned Muslim men, subjecting many of them to torture and arbitrary detention.

By Linh Dinh
Southerner Fred Reed writes about Yankee hypocrisy, “You’ve heard about white flight. In nearly about every city in the North, white people streak for the suburbs so’s not to be near black people, and then they talk about how bad Southerners are for doing the same thing [ . . . ] Fact is, you can see more social, comfortable integration in a catfish house in Louisiana than you can in probably all of Washington.”


By Brett Redmayne-Titley
On the streets, cafes, and carpet shops of Istanbul a very different story than the one presented by Western media is developing about the true allegiance of Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. While he continues to play a dangerous international game between Russia and the NATO/Israeli/US alliance, his biggest future enemy walks the streets of his realm . . . the Turkish people. And he knows it.

By Jon Queally
As the brutal attack on immigrant families and communities by President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress continues, the video of a husband and father being ripped from the arms of his wife and two teenage kids and deported on Monday—which happened to be Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—offers the last up-close and personal example of what the GOP’s cruel and far-reaching policies look like in practice.

By Stephen Lendman
In December 2016, President-elect Trump on nuclear weapons ominously tweeted, “Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all.”

By Wayne Madsen
Recent revelations about President Donald Trump’s fear of poisoning from food or from his toothbrush are the fodder of political thriller novels or motion pictures. Trump’s alleged fears were revealed in the newly-published political kiss-and-tell book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” written by journalist Michael Wolff. There have been leaders throughout history who have fretted about being poisoned to death by political opponents. In some cases, these leaders had good reason to be worried, because poisons introduced into their food and drink is how they were ultimately dispatched by their political adversaries.

By Philip A Farruggio
Many thanks to Bob Dylan’s great song of the same name. What rankles me is how so many of my friends, neighbors and acquaintances seem to accept how far down the rabbit hole our Amerikan society has fallen.


By Wayne Madsen
America’s relations with nations around the world are in free fall mode. Donald Trump’s frequent xenophobic and racist outbursts, unprecedented in modern history, have resulted in foreign ministries around the world calling in senior U.S. diplomats for explanations about Trump’s comments. Trump’s actions have had even greater consequences for U.S. foreign policy and global stability.

By Jessica Corbett
President Donald Trump’s first year in office has been a “year of unprecedented conflicts of interest,” according to a new report that documents how dozens of political candidates, foreign governments, interest groups, and other private entities have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars at the president’s properties since his inauguration.

By Stephen Lendman
The possibility should terrify everyone.

By Margaret Kimberley
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has a net worth of $105 billion and is the richest man in the world. But he is not just the richest man at this moment in history. He is the richest person who has ever lived. As of 2017 he and seven other billionaires had a collective net worth equal to that of the poorest 3.6 billion people on earth.

Jeff Bezos expects you to pay for the privilege of letting Amazon employees enter your home when you're not there.
By Jim Hightower
Would you give your house key to a complete stranger, letting that person (whose name you don’t even know) walk right into your home when you’re not there?


The cases of Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran
By Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay
Just as Republican George W. Bush invented the pretext of “weapons of mass destruction,” in 2003, to deceive Americans and the rest of the world and to justify a military invasion of Iraq, Donald Trump seems to follow in Bush’s footsteps in actively searching for a pretext for another military confrontation in the Middle East, this time against Iran. George W. Bush had even claimed, at the time, that religion was behind his military interventionism when he said, in the summer of 2003, in a bout of hubristic delusion, that “God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq.”

By Stephen Lendman
Ahead of its orchestrated 9/11/73 coup in Chile, replacing democratic governance with fascist tyranny, Washington made its economy scream.

By Ramzy Baroud
Not a day passes without a prominent Israeli politician or intellectual making an outrageous statement against Palestinians. Many of these statements tend to garner little attention or evoke rightly deserved outrage.

By John W. Whitehead
I’m tired of liars, scoundrels and cheats.

Imagine telling a laid off employee they won't have Medicaid to fall back on.
By LeeAnn Hall
On January 11, the Trump administration issued a cruel announcement: If you can’t find a job, don’t count on being able to get health care.

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