Week of December 25, 2017

Intrepid Report

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By Stephen Lendman
How can there be joy with Washington and its imperial allies waging war on humanity, raping and destroying countries, responsible for millions of casualties post-9/11 alone?

By Dave Alpert
In the United States, one of the world’s wealthiest nations, 41 million people are living in poverty

By Margaret Kimberley
The electoral process has changed very little for black people. At this late date in history our highest political expectations still amount to little more than keeping hardcore racists out of office. Any other victories are negligible. Even when we win, we still lose.

By Missy Comley Beattie
“I hope they see my humanity.” They. Don’t. See. It. Don’t because in order to see humanity, one must be empathetic, feel the suffering of others, bear witness to it. I look at Ady Barkan and I see my sons. Not only do I see my sons, I think, “Ady Barkan could be my son.”

By Gilad Atzmon
Trump’s America is still a superpower. It was supported by no less than eight other countries, including Honduras, Guatemala, Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Togo, Nauru and southern Sudan and do not forget Israel.


By Wayne Madsen
The Palm Beach, Florida, resort of Mar-a-Lago was not always in the possession of the current grifter and con-artist who owns the opulent estate. Mar-a-Lago was built in the 1920s by General Foods heiress Marjorie Meriweather Post. A resident of Washington, DC, Post willed Mar-a-Lago in 1973 to the United States government. The estate was to be used as a winter White House by U.S. presidents and visiting foreign dignitaries.

By Eric Zuesse
The first time when it became clear to me that I live in a dictatorship was in 2014 when reading, prior to its publication, the landmark (and still the only) scientific empirical study to address the question as to whether or not the United States federal government is, authentically, a democracy—or, whether, alternatively, it’s instead more of a dictatorship, than a democracy. This study documented conclusively that America’s government is the latter.

By Martha Rosenberg
After he served 8 years of a 27-year sentence for money laundering, kosher meatpacking executive Sholom Rubashkin had his sentence commuted.

By Stephen Lendman
Donald Trump’s capping his deplorable first year in office by despicably slashing America’s UN dues by $285 million for the 2016–2017 period—more cuts likely ahead.

By Robert Reich
Last week, Utah Senator Orrin Hatch stood on the White House lawn, opining that Donald Trump’s presidency could be “the greatest presidency that we’ve seen, not only in generations, but maybe ever.”


By Thomas C. Mountain
Cyril Ramaphosa, the next president of South Africa, was the man behind the entry of international fast food behemoth McDonalds into the country, earning him the sobriquet “The Big Mac.”

A strategy of thuggery and intimidation
By Elias Akleh
During his national security speech on December 18, Trump introduced his administration’s new “America First” national security strategy in a surprisingly unaccustomed calm and calculated mannerism that is uncharacteristic of him. Although it seemed that he was well coached, yet, he couldn’t escape his narcissistic tendency and kept denunciating previous administrations while praising his own.

By Martha Rosenberg
Do you overeat? Did your boyfriend just break up with you? Does no one return your emails? Do you fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning? If so, you may be suffering from mental illness! Mental illness is a highly stigmatized, life-long condition, says Pharma, that millions do not even realize they have and only a pharmaceutical drug can fix. Luckily there are advocacy groups like Glenn Close’s Bring Change to Mind and the Pharma-funded front groups, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) to help you.

By Linda S. Heard
US President Donald Trump has just thrown a grenade into a volatile region without thought for consequences. He has resorted to upending decades of US policy, blackmailing countries to bend them to his will and, to cap it all, he boasts “I don’t care.”

If you're struggling to get by on $20 million, the GOP is looking out for you and your heirs.
By Chuck Collins
It isn’t easy being a millionaire these days, especially if you’ve got less than $20 million. Fortunately, Congress is watching out for you.


By Ellen Brown
Higher education has been financialized, transformed from a public service into a lucrative cash cow for private investors.

By John W. Whitehead
Nothing has changed.

Up to 70 percent of the people who put food on America's tables may be undocumented.
By Jim Hightower
Every decade or so, America’s mass media are surprised to discover that migrant farmworkers are being miserably paid and despicably treated by the industry that profits from their labor.

By Ramzy Baroud
2017 will be remembered as the year that the so-called ‘peace process,’ at least in its American formulation, has ended. And with its demise, a political framework that has served as the foundation for US foreign policy in the Middle East has also collapsed.

By Jane Stillwater
When I was growing up, Christmas was always an ordeal. My father was postmaster in our town and he always worked 15 hours a day during the pre-Christmas rush. My mother always seemed to come down with pneumonia. And my sister always got her physical work-out by beating me up. I hated Christmas in Millbrae. Christmas in Millbrae still haunts my dreams.

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