George Lakoff | The Power of Positive Persistence

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George Lakoff | The Power of Positive Persistence 
George Lakoff, 2012. (photo: Wikimedia Commons)
George Lakoff, George Lakoff's Website 
Lakoff writes: "Framing is about reclaiming our power to decide what's important. Framing is about making sure WE set the terms of the debate, using our language and our ideas. Conservatives have beaten progressives at this for decades. It's time for a change." 
Schumer Has Rescinded Offer to Trump on Border Wall Funding 
Deirdre Shesgreen and Eliza Collins, USA Today 
Excerpt: "The Senate's Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer, is taking back his offer to President Trump to fund his border wall." 
Top Democrats Warn of 'Ongoing Attack by the Russian Government' Amid Push to Publish Classified Memo 
Karoun Demirjian, Josh Dawsey and Craig Timberg, The Washington Post 
Excerpt: "Top Democrats on Tuesday called on Facebook and Twitter to investigate what lawmakers said are Russian efforts to promote the release of a classified Republican memo criticizing the FBI probe of Russia's meddling in the 2016 campaign." 
Report: 2017 Was Deadliest Year on Record for LGBT Community 
John Bowden, The Hill 
Bowden writes: "Last year was the deadliest on record for the United States's LGBTQ community, according to a report by the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs." 
I Stood Up to ICE, and Now They're Trying to Deport Me 
Maru Mora Villalpando, YES! Magazine 
Mora Villalpando writes: "With the letter delivered to my house, ICE has officially made the leap from a law enforcement agency to a political repression agency." 
2 More Killed in Honduran Post-Presidential Election Protests 
Excerpt: "According to former presidential candidate Salvador Nasralla, two additional people were killed while protesting Honduras' alleged fraudulent election results." 
222 Bird Species Worldwide Now Critically Endangered 
John R. Platt, The Revelator 
Platt writes: "All told 222 bird species worldwide are now considered critically endangered, putting them one step above extinction." 

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