Bernie Sanders on the Government Shutdown

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Bernie Sanders on the Government Shutdown 
Bernie Sanders at a November rally on Capitol Hill for economic and social justice. (photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
Lulu Garcia-Navarro, Alabama Public Radio 
Excerpt: "I believe that we need comprehensive immigration reform that has to include 800,000 DREAMers, young people who are brought into this country as infants, but it has to go beyond that." 
Senate Democrats Cave, Provide Votes Based on McConnell's Empty Promise 
Rebekah Entralgo, ThinkProgress 
Entralgo writes: "The Senate, according to Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), will vote in favor of a bill to reopen the government on Monday and fund it for three weeks." 
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Reflects On the #MeToo Movement: 'It's About Time' 
Nina Totenberg, NPR 
Totenberg writes: "When Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg began her legal crusade, women were treated differently than men by law. By the time she first put on judicial robes she had already worked a judicial revolution. Today the issues are both the same and different. At front and center is the question of sexual harassment." 
The Real Victims of Government Shutdowns Are Poor Kids, Military Vets, and Low-Paid Workers 
Alexia Fernández Campbell, Vox 
Fernández Campbell writes: "The shutdown doesn't affect the politicians responsible for it. Members of Congress continue to get paid when the government shuts down. But what the 2013 shutdown showed is that some Americans really do suffer - specifically poor kids in Head Start programs, military families, janitors, security guards, and other low-wage federal contractors." 
With Marijuana Now Legal, LA Goes Further to Make Amends for the War on Drugs 
Kevon Paynter, YES! Magazine 
Paynter writes: "Californians didn't just legalize marijuana. In Los Angeles, the City Council went one step further, enacting some of the most progressive criminal justice reforms in the country to rectify the disproportionate effect the war on drugs has had on minority communities." 
Report: Two-Thirds of Human Rights Defenders Killed in 2017 Were From Latin America 
Excerpt: "Of the 312 human rights defenders murdered across the world in 2017, 212 of them (67.9 percent) were from Latin America, according to a new report by Ireland-based non-profit Front Line Defenders." 
Trump Has Tried to Restrict Science Almost 100 Times Already 
Emily Atkin, New Republic 
Atkin writes: "There are 91 entries on Columbia Law School's 'Silencing Science Tracker,' a searchable database released Friday that intends to document every instance of information censorship or restriction since President Donald Trump was elected." 

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