Ahed Tamimi Offers Israelis A Lesson Worthy Of Gandhi

Dear Friend,

Sixteen-year-old Ahed Tamimi may not be what Israelis had in mind when, over many years, they criticised Palestinians for not producing a Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela. Eventually, colonised peoples bring to the fore a figure best suited to challenge the rotten values at the core of the society oppressing them. Ahed is well qualified for the task.

The Trump administration announced Monday, Jan 8, that it will end “temporary protected status” (TPS) that was first granted to Salvadorans nearly two decades ago. Roughly 263,000 people from El Salvador are covered by the program, which allowed the immigrants to stay and work in the United States legally.

Also more stories from around the world. 

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In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

Ahed Tamimi Offers Israelis A Lesson Worthy Of Gandhi
by Jonathan Cook

Sixteen-year-old Ahed Tamimi may not be what Israelis had in mind when, over many years, they criticised Palestinians for not producing a Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela. Eventually, colonised peoples bring to the fore a figure best suited to challenge the rotten values at the core of the society oppressing them. Ahed is well qualified for the task.

Trump Administration To Deport 250,000 Salvadorians
by Abdus Sattar Ghazali 

The Trump administration announced Monday, Jan 8, that it will end “temporary protected status” (TPS) that was first granted to Salvadorans nearly two decades ago. Roughly 263,000 people from El Salvador are covered by the program, which allowed the immigrants to stay and work in the United States legally.

Iran: Surviving Another Attack Supported From Abroad?
by Andre Vltchek

Protests in Iran are winding down, and the streets in most of the cities are becoming quiet again. But the question remains: who was behind the ‘events’ that took at least 22 human lives?

Death At The Gate
by Ken Hannaford-Ricardi 

The world has moved on from Afghanistan. The ongoing conflict in this small nation has lost our interest. As I was departing from my first visit here, a 15 year-old friend said, “Goodbye, Mr. Ken. You are very brave to come here.” “No,” I replied. “You are the brave one. I can go home. You live here.”

Paying For Travesties
by Sally Dugman

I do not want to alarm anyone, but I want others to see what would have happened to my daughter if I had not worked for corrections. If others care about this planet, their children and their children’s children — they will do so too. There is no other choice in times ahead — period.

Expose Our Guernicas
by Valleria Ruselli 

Slightly over eighty years ago, someone who was as much of a warmonger as Kennedy brought about horror in Spain, and Picasso caught some of it on canvas with his Gernika

The Condition
by David Sparenberg 

Strong men, men of fixed ideas and steely wills; dictators of movements and of nations; often they are behind crimes in high places and often responsible for crimes being legislated into law.

Oprah In The Oval Office: Curb Your Enthusiasm
by Rachel Oxman 

Oh yes, I know, we’ve got to go with Oprah for President. Of course we do, but… should we? I don’t think so. Unless you’re so brain dead and devoid of imagination respecting viable options, I don’t think so. Nor do I think that the stink of her career and life outside of the realm of entertainment (to the extent she has one) deserve such hooplah. Ditto for the dynamics expressed across the board by all the Golden Globes Glitterati, the decency of the thrust of Oprah’s message notwithstanding.

It Involves More
by Annapurna Tosca Sriramarcel 

Pope Francis sees the cause of the collective crises in what he calls a “technocratic” mentality, one that considers “the rise of a relativism which sees everything as irrelevant unless it serves one’s own immediate interests.” This is underscored repeatedly in his Laudato Si’.

Mothers Of Disappeared Of Kashmir Ask For Justice 
by Ashraf Lone 

  I was recently talking to a mother , who is still waiting for his son’s return. Although she was not wailing, but her moist eyes was saying it all. The pain and agony was visible on his face. She has seen her son disappear before her eyes. She has tried everything, from going to army camps to police posts and politicians, and other agencies to trace her son , but all in vain. But the mother is still waiting. An endless wait, I could see in her moist eyes. The hope is still there in her eyes. But this    battle of loss, hope, wait, belief and doubt has left a mark on her . She has almost lost her hearing power and is unable to hear things properly 

Afghan Refugees Feeling The Heat As US-Pakistan Geopolitical Tensions Rise
by Ali Mohsin 

Last week, the Pakistani government callously doubled down on its strategy of using Afghan refugees as pawns in its ongoing political dispute with Afghanistan when it refused to grant a long-term extension of their stay in Pakistan. Islamabad’s move will anger Kabul, which has struggled to absorb and reintegrate the massive influx of Afghans returning from Pakistan in recent years.

Be Ready For Manu’s Rule
by Nagesh Chaudhari

The RSS considers itself owner of the country and its head gives orders to people that they should call Bharat mata or that all are Hindus in India, or that Muslims should stay here as secondary people claiming no citizens rights.

Narendra Modi Is Bound To Be Hoist On His Own Petard In The Next Parliamentary Elections
by Anandi Sharan

Political economy is only as complicated as you want to make it. In India theory and practice must be aligned at the level of the interests of the agriculturalists: not because of any ideology, but because they are the majority voters and their interests are the interests of India. In his eagerness to establish the rule of Hindu nation, Narendra Modi and his Yogis missed this important bit of the truth about their country and will pay the price in the next Parliamentary elections. In the end they will have done their bit towards reaffirming that secularism is not an ideology but a matter of reason. And reason is not an ideology but a process of examining the truth. You examine the Prime Minister, and judge him by his deeds, and then you find him wanting. No amount of communal violence and hyperbole can argue with facts.

The Triple Talaq Conundrum
by Moin Qazi 

India is currently mired in a war between theology and law as it tries to articulate an appropriate policy response to the controversial triple talaq issue. With the triple talaq already been declared invalid by the Supreme Court, the government’s    haste in trying to criminalize it reeks of a misplaced agenda.

We Keep Ourselves Peaceful
by Pratap Antony 

Our responsibility, therefore, is to be thoughtful
and compassionate, and act for the good,
and for the wellbeing of all beings
Multiplying and extending the cause and effects
of kindliness
That’s how we keep ourselves peaceful



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