Juan Cole | Trump Refuses to Sanction Russia, Spurring Speculation about Putin's Influence
31 January 18 AM It's Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News WE’RE DOWN TO THE LAST DAY - HELP! - We only get into real trouble on donations when HUGE numbers of readers ignore funding. This month they have and we’re in real trouble now. “You” be the one. That’s the only way it has ever worked. In peace and solidarity. / Marc Ash, Founder Reader Supported News Sure, I'll make a donation! Juan Cole | Trump Refuses to Sanction Russia, Spurring Speculation about Putin's Influence Juan Cole, Informed Comment Cole writes: "Trump's actions in this case are flatfooted and will give rise to further suspicions that Putin has some sort of hold over him." READ MORE Trump's State of the Union Speech Was Remarkable for What He Didn't Say Susan Page, USA Today Page writes: "Some presidents have gotten a bump in their approval rating after their first State of the Union address. But it seems unlikely that any speech is goin...