Week of December 11, 2017

Intrepid Report

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By Stephen Lendman
In less than one year in office, Trump exceeded the recklessness and ruthlessness of his predecessors.

By Margaret Kimberley
The Caribbean island of Barbuda was a paradise before hurricane Irma struck in September. Not only was it a place of scenic beauty but the system of government for its 1,800 people gave it a measure of equality that is rare in the world. There is no private land ownership in Barbuda. All property is held in common and one local leader explains the result. “There’s no great inequality in Barbuda.”

By Dave Alpert
For many years, I have dedicated myself to fighting against racism. I have pointed out that we are all contaminated with this disease, even the decent and well-meaning folks.

By Robert Reich
Trump and congressional Republicans are engineering the largest corporate tax cut in history in order “to restore our competitive edge,” as Trump says.

By Paul Craig Roberts
“Where is the left wing when we need it?” is a question I have asked at times. Some of my readers who confuse the left with Antifa and Identity politics have been confused by my question. Why, they ask, do I want more Antifa thugs and Identity Politics hatred of white people?


By Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
While the whole world watches Tuesday’s Alabama US Senate election, race-based battles behind the scenes could decide the outcome.

By Michael Winship
To understand why the Internet’s in big trouble again, first know this about how Washington works these days.

By Stephen Lendman
HRW is a convenient US imperial tool when it suits its purpose, notably to maintain funding from corporate donors, including George Soros’ Open Society Institute, the Ford Foundation and the MacArthur Foundation, among others.

By Martha Rosenberg
Even during the recession of 2009 with people losing their homes and jobs, Pharma remained the nation’s third most profitable sector. Now, with its recent five-digit Hep C drugs and six-digit cancer drugs, it is doing even better. (Though Pharma companies still want to incorporate overseas to dodge U.S. taxes.)

Behind closed doors, Republicans admit that their tax plan is all for their rich donors.
By Jim Hightower
Sam Rayburn, a legendary speaker of the U.S. House in the 1940s and ’50s, offered this piece of ethical advice for lawmakers who were conflicted over whether to vote for the people or the lobbyists: “Every now and then,” he said, “a politician ought to do something just because it’s right.”


By Mathew Maavak
As US federal debt approaches $21 trillion in a matter of months, an eye-popping equivalent amount seems to have gone cumulatively missing from government coffers over the past two decades.

By Saida Arifkhanova
An interview with Viktor Mikhailov, director of the Center for the Study of Regional Threats of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

By Stephen Lendman
Controlled by Wall Street, war profiteers, other corporate predators, Pentagon hawks and likeminded GOP extremists, businessman Trump transformed himself into a warrior leader—continuing naked aggression begun by Bush/Cheney and Obama, threatening war on North Korea and Iran.

By Ramzy Baroud
Now that US President Donald Trump has fully adopted the Israeli right wing political discourse on Palestine, the Palestinian Authority is in a very tough spot.

By Linh Dinh
With their vast parking lots and chain stores, strip malls may appear generic, impersonal and characterless, but each harbors an intense web of social interactions, with an infinity of stories to tell, but to even state this is redundant, for there’s no man, woman, child or dog who isn’t, by his lonesome, asshole self, a thousand-page novel.


By Eric Zuesse
U.S. President Trump’s bold support for the apartheid dictatorship of Israel against that theocratic-racist nation’s non-Jews, fits into a larger picture of the supremacist nation that America itself has increasingly become.

By Margaret Kimberley
On rare occasions there is some justice in this country. The white South Carolina police officer who shot Walter Scott in the back was convicted of murder and sentenced to a 20-year prison term by a federal judge. The outcome is altogether satisfactory but it is akin to a blue moon. In this country an average of three people are killed by the police every single day. Even when police are charged they are unlikely to be indicted and even then are almost always acquitted.

By John W. Whitehead
Militant nonviolent resistance works.

By Ramzy Baroud
When I learned of the death of Kamal al-Assar, a few years ago, I was baffled. He was only in his 40s. I remember him in his prime, a young rebel, leading the neighborhood youth, armed with rocks and slingshots, in a hopeless battle against the Israeli army. Understandably, we lost, but we won something far more valuable than a military victory. We reclaimed our identity.

By Ashu M. G. Solo
Former President George H. W. Bush’s honorary degrees should be revoked because of his recent admissions of what should be construed as sexual harassment and groping. Eight different individuals have made sexual harassment and groping allegations against Bush.


By Dave Alpert
Donald Trump is a corrupt, dishonest capitalist. So, why isn’t he liked by the moguls of Wall Street? Why did they support not only Barack Obama, but Hilary Clinton?

By John W. Whitehead
Just in time for Christmas, the Deep State wants to give America the gift that keeps on giving: never-ending mass surveillance.

Will it be Singapore or Solartopia?
By Harvey Wasserman
Warring visions have now erupted over the energy and economic futures of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

By Linda S. Heard
Why did he do it? Why did he give away the most disputed city on the planet to Israel for free; a city that is not America’s to gift. And especially when the world graphically spelled out the potentially devastating consequences?

By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship
We spent Monday and Tuesday in “Dewey Defeats Truman” mode, fully preparing to write a piece on the election of Republican Roy Moore to the United States Senate. We had even dusted off a 1925 quote from the great H.L. Mencken during his coverage of the Scopes monkey trial in Tennessee in which he excoriated the fundamentalist Southern foes of evolution: “Neanderthal man is organizing in these forlorn backwaters of the land, led by a fanatic, rid of sense and devoid of conscience.”

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